Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, June 17, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, Victor advanced his plans to destroy Jabot with Audra’s help, who revealed him as her secret investor, while Kyle considered a job offer while feuding with Diane.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea and Adam meet in the coffee shop. Chelsea says she spoke to Connor’s social worker, and it turned out that Connor had a breakthrough… He was able to fight his anxiety involving food and eat some foods he had previously been afraid of.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (2)

Sharon overhears and is overjoyed to hear Connor is doing better.

Chelsea says that the clinic was adjusting Connor’s medication, and it seems they found the right dosage; it’s working, and it’s great!

Adam is happy that it’s finally working for his son.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (3)

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Alan drops by and meets with Traci and Jack. He’s happy to see them both and asks how long Jack has been in town.

Jack says he used the corporate jet to fly to Paris so that he could be there for the first few days that Ashley is in the clinic. He asks Alan to fill them in on what’s happened with Ashley.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (4)

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker listens as his assistant, Dawn, talks on the phone with Philippe, one of the board members.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (5)

Dawn says she’s heard some nasty rumors about Tucker… There’s been word of a takeover; has he heard anything? Philippe says he hasn’t heard anything. Dawn says they’ll have to wait to see what happens at the board meeting and ends the call.

Tucker thinks Dawn couldn’t get Philippe to confirm or deny that it was happening.

Dawn thinks Phillipe was very guarded and probably didn’t believe that she had turned on Tucker.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (6)

Tucker says none of the CEOs from the companies he acquired are returning his calls or emails, and all the board members are conveniently unavailable.

Dawn asks if he thinks Audra is telling the truth… Is there really a hostile takeover afoot?

Tucker doesn’t think it’s looking good. He asks Dawn to get the board meeting pushed… They need to buy some time; he won’t let Audra get away with this!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (7)

Dawn makes some calls to change the meeting date, but none of the board members agree.

Tucker thinks things are spiraling out of control. He tells Dawn to keep trying and let him know if she’s able to get anyone to agree to change the meeting. He gets up and tells her he’s got one last thing to do. He leaves the room.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (8)

Audra’s Paris Hotel Room

Philippe messages Audra. “Tucker’s pushing to meet later. He’s on the ropes.”

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (9)

Audra thinks about Tucker telling her that he was willing to give her Glissade. She smirks. Tucker thought she needed his handouts!

Her phone pings with a message from Victor. He asks her to tell him once the board has voted. She replies that she will.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (10)

There’s a knock at her door. It’s Tucker. She answers the door and tells him to go away; she regrets every minute she ever wasted on him and won’t waste any more.

Tucker walks in and asks her not to go through with her plan.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (11)

Crimson Lights

Adam tells Sharon and Chelsea that he’s really trying to stay positive. He can’t help but question if they made the right decision in sending Connor to the facility; maybe it’s not the best program for him.

Chelsea tells him they just got good news about Connor… He needs to let that sink in.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (12)

Sharon says there will be ups and downs, but the end results will be worth it.

Chelsea says Connor wants to see them; it’s good news.

Adam thinks that they’ll get there and be turned away again… That’s how it’s been the last few times!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (13)

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Traci brings a tray of coffee into the living room and asks Alan how Ashley was when he last saw her.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (14)

Alan thinks Ashley was doing well. She was determined to see it through, and his colleagues went all-out to make sure her transition to the clinic was as smooth as possible.

Jack’s happy; things have been tough on Ashley.

Alan says the first night is the toughest, but the clinic is warm, welcoming, and well-designed. She’ll get nothing but kindness and understanding there.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (15)

Traci and Jack both thank him for helping Ashley.

Alan says he feels guilty about it; if it wasn’t for him, Martin wouldn’t have gotten to Ashley and pushed her over the edge.

Jack tells him that he’s not to blame for the actions of his disturbed brother. He more than made up for it with the love and support he’s given Ashley!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (16)

Audra’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker tells Audra he’s offered her the company to run any way she wishes… She’s always wanted to be her own boss and not answer to anyone!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (17)

Audra tells him not to pretend to know what she wants.

Tucker says he’s sure she doesn’t want some mysterious investor breathing down her neck the entire time. He’ll give it to her, free and clear!

Audra says it’s too little, too late.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (18)

Tucker asks why she won’t let him give it to her; take the win quietly without humiliating him in the business world. Doesn’t she owe him that?

Audra says she’s not the reason it’s come to this. He put everyone else before her, and now he’s surprised she’s not interested in third place anymore?

Tucker thought they had already hashed it out; they don’t have time to argue over it!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (19)

Audra says that’s something they can agree on; she has a meeting to prepare for, and so does he!

Tucker says she could cancel the meeting and take his offer. He asks her to at least postpone the meeting. He can’t believe she’d do this because he wouldn’t turn his back on his son.

Audra says he’s not showing real emotion right now; he’s just stalling for time, and she’s not interested in listening to him.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (20)

Tucker says he’s in Paris with her… It might not be the circ*mstances they dreamed of, but he’s not there with Ashley or Devon… He’s with Audra, and he is putting her first.

Audra says it’s not about being first or last… She simply doesn’t care anymore.

Tucker never thought she could be this cruel or vindictive.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (21)

Crimson Lights

Sharon gets back to work and lets Adam and Chelsea talk.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (22)

Adam tells Chelsea he has a talent for ruining a good mood.

Chelsea says he’s having normal emotions that anyone would have in this situation… They have to keep the faith, they’ll get through it.

Adam agrees. It’s a process, and it’s not the time to give up!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (23)

Chelsea says they should call Connor and actually talk to him… They’ll be able to see for themselves how he’s doing and see if he looks like he wants them to come for a visit.

Adam likes the idea. They’ll text him and set up a video call from Adam’s apartment.

On their way out, Chelsea thanks Sharon for helping them through this.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (24)

Audra’s Paris Hotel Room

Audra tells Tucker that his pleading is getting tedious. He won’t get what he wants, but she will.

Tucker asks her to postpone the meeting so they can work out a deal.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (25)

Audra says there’s nothing to work out; the financing is in place, and the deal is already done. Technically, he’s already lost the company!

Tucker says she has the power to stop it, but she’s refusing to do it. What happened to her?

Audra doesn’t see why he’s complaining… The investor has agreed to pay over market value, he’ll be well compensated!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (26)

Tucker asks who the investor is; when he bought Glissade, nobody was interested in it at all. What changed?

Audra says it’s over, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

Tucker chuckles. He doesn’t know why he didn’t see it before… He knows exactly who her investor is!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (27)

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Traci asks Alan how long Ashley will need to stay in the clinic.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (28)

Alan isn’t sure; it depends on how quickly she makes progress. The doctors will be focused on any trauma that Ashley has undergone, especially the most recent event; whatever Martin had done to her caused her to confuse him with Tucker and that led to her alters emergence.

Traci and Jack can’t believe what Ashley must be going through.

Alan says Ashley will have to process whatever traumas created the different personalities in the first place.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (29)

Jack asks if this is the only way to treat Ashley’s alternate personalities.

Alan nods. They’ll treat whatever personalities they’re aware of, and any they aren’t aware of. He explains that most cases of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) are caused by severe trauma as a child; the mind can create alters and dissociates so that the “main” personality can survive.

Jack is surprised… Ashley was dealing with multiple personalities while they were growing up? He would have noticed!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (30)

Alan says alters can go unnoticed in childhood. They may have emerged without Ashley noticing… A lot of children create imaginary friends to play with.

Traci can’t believe it… The personalities were there the whole time, and they didn’t notice?

Alan nods. Alters can go dormant for a long time and be reactivated by extreme stress. He says some other trauma could have allowed the personalities to emerge before this last event, as well.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (31)

Traci nods. Ashley has a history of mental illness.

Jack wonders how the doctors will know if Ashley is “cured.” How will they know the personalities haven’t just gone dormant?

Alan says the key is to get to the root of the problem and to find out what initially caused it.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (32)

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Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea and Adam get on a video call with Connor.

Connor asks if they’ve heard about what he ate today.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (33)

Adam says they haven’t… What’s going on?

Connor says he did it; he had soup and didn’t worry if there was anything “not right” in it. He admits that maybe he did worry at first, but he got over it!

Chelsea thinks that’s wonderful.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (34)

Connor says there are a ton of over things for him to get over, but this is a big deal.

Adam congratulates Connor on his breakthrough.

Connor says it may not seem like much to them, but this is huge.

Chelsea says it is a big deal, and they’re proud of him. She takes Adam’s hand and smiles.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (35)

Crimson Lights

Nick walks into the cafe and overhears Sharon, who’s on the phone.

Sharon tells the caller she doesn’t have the information for them and calling her every five minutes won’t make it happen any faster; she’ll call them when she knows! She hangs up.

Nick asks Sharon what’s going on; is something wrong?

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (36)

Audra’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker tells Audra he’s not sure why he didn’t figure it out sooner; the investor isn’t some random billionaire who she met and charmed… It’s someone with an intense personal agenda; someone who’s out to get him. It’s got to be Jack Abbott, who’s still out for revenge!

Audra tells him to think whatever he wants; he’s done.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (37)

Tucker says she might as well tell him since he’ll find out at the meeting anyhow. There’s still a chance to turn things in his favor; he might get some compassion from Jack since he won’t get any from Audra.

Audra says the investor won’t be at the meeting; Tucker won’t have a chance to turn things around in his favor.

Tucker thinks Jack will be at the meeting; he’d never pass up a chance to rub it in Tucker’s face!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (38)

Audra tells him to give it a rest; she’ll never tell him who bought his company out from under him… That was a stipulation of her deal, and she has every intention of honoring it.

Tucker says she has no honor; she doesn’t honor their business or personal relationship.

Audra says his time is up on their business, their relationship, and this conversation.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (39)

Tucker says it’s her last chance to reconsider and take his offer.

Audra says it’s enough already. Take the loss and move on!

Tucker shrugs. She’s really going through with it? He promises she’ll pay. He leaves.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (40)

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Alan tells Traci and Adam that the team at the clinic will get to the bottom of whatever happened to Ashley.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (41)

Traci worries that the intense treatment might push Ashley over the edge again.

Alan says Ashley is getting treatment in a safe facility where the doctors will be able to cope with whatever comes up. She has a long way to go, but she’s prepared to go the distance. He thinks Ashley understands that this is her only option for recovery.

Jack says they can’t thank him enough. There’s no telling where Ashley would be without his help.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (42)

Alan is glad he could be of service in some way. He asks Traci what her plans are; does she think she might want to stay in Paris? He thinks Ashley would love to have her here as support.

Jack thinks Alan’s right; the more support Ashley has around her, the better.

Traci says he’s right… There’s no place she’d rather be, and they couldn’t drag her away if they tried!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (43)

Adam’s Apartment

Connor apologizes for the last time they came to see him. He wasn’t ready then, but he’s ready to see them now as long as they aren’t busy.

Adam says if Connor is up for it, they are too. They’re never too busy to see their son!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (44)

Chelsea nods. She’s taken a leave of absence from work so she can be there for him whenever he needs.

Connor says that’s not right; he doesn’t want her to turn her life upside down because of him.

Chelsea reassures him that he is her life; Marchetti will be fine.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (45)

Adam says Sally has agreed to step in for Chelsea, so Connor doesn’t have to worry.

Chelsea says they can hop on a plane tonight and see him if that’s what he wants.

Connor can’t wait.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (46)

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room / Audra’s Room

Tucker returns to his room.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (47)

Dawn tells him the meeting is about to start; they’re just waiting for him.

Tucker tells her to start the video. He rubs his chest and sits down, looking uncomfortable.

Audra starts the meeting and greets everyone; she thanks them for making themselves available for the important vote on the transfer of power.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (48)

Tucker winces and clutches at his chest.

Dawn pours him a glass of water and brings it over.

Audra asks what’s going on.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (49)

Tucker apologizes; he’s feeling a little lightheaded. He asks Audra to proceed.

Audra is ready to get back to the business at hand.

Tucker rubs his chest and says he’s sorry; he has to get some air… He’s having trouble breathing! He tries to stand up but falls over, smashing a glass and knocking the laptop askew.

Audra watches in confusion. “Is this even real?”

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (50)

Crimson Lights

Sharon tells Nick that she’s fine; why does he ask?

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (51)

Nick says she was pretty tough to whoever she was on the phone with… It’s not like her!

Sharon nods. She is a little short-tempered this morning.

Nick asks why.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (52)

Sharon says she’s tired because she hasn’t been sleeping well.

Nick says that doesn’t sound like her either.

Sharon says she’s been having trouble since her doctor put her on a new bipolar medicine. Maybe it’s taking her a while to adjust to it.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (53)

Nick asks why she changed her medication… Was her old medication not working for her?

Sharon says she had a physical and her blood sugar was high; her doctor didn’t want to take any chances so he switched her medication. She says it’s from the same family of medication, but it’s supposed to have fewer side effects.

Nick says there’s nothing wrong with being grouchy, and he’s glad she’s staying on top of her medication and is open to talking about it.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (54)

Sharon nods. Being on meds or having bipolar disorder is nothing to be ashamed of… It’s just something she needs to stay on top of.

Nick says that between Sharon and his mom, he gets a new lesson every day on how to deal with life’s challenges with grace and courage. They’re two of the most impressive people he’s ever met!

Sharon says she and Nikki are survivors; they do what they have to do for themselves and their loved ones. She asks Nick to help her with a project she’s trying to push through at Cassidy… The budget needs tightening, and the marketing needs some help, too.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (55)

Nick laughs. “Let the master take a look!”

Sharon laughs and hands him her tablet.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (56)

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea and Adam are happy that Connor is doing so well and wants to see them.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (57)

Adam can tell Connor’s making progress.

Chelsea smiles. Connor is making progress and will continue to make progress! She’s overjoyed.

They hug, and Chelsea gets ready to leave.

Adam tells Chelsea he’ll check to make sure the jet is available and if not, he’ll charter a plane. Either way, they’ll be ready to go in a couple of hours!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (58)

Chelsea asks him to promise her something.

Adam says he feels like he could promise anything right now.

Chelsea says something good happened that they’ve been waiting for for a long time… She wants him to promise that he’ll hold onto that no matter what happens when they get there. Even if Connor isn’t as excited to see them as he was on the video call, it’s okay… He’s making progress!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (59)

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker lies on the bed, clutching his chest, as Dawn tends to him.

Audra bursts into the room and demands to know what happened.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (60)

Dawn says she’s called for a medic; she’s trying to keep him comfortable until someone gets there. The board meeting has been postponed until they know what’s wrong.

Tucker says there’s nothing wrong with “Mr. McCall.” This is just a desperate last-ditch effort to stall the meeting!

Tucker says he wishes it was fake… He can’t breathe; his shoulders and back hurt!

Audra doesn’t believe him.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (61)

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Alan hopes Jack will stay in Paris, too. Ashley could use both of them in Paris for support!

Traci would love if Jack stayed.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (62)

Jack says he’ll stay as long as he can. He says he came straight from the airport and hasn’t checked into his hotel yet. He’s going to check in, make some phone calls, and then maybe the three of them can get together for lunch! He’ll text them when he’s on his way! He leaves.

Alan tells Traci that since they’ve got lunch planned and she’s staying in Paris, perhaps he could take her to dinner that evening.

Traci smiles. She’d love to!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (63)

Adam’s Apartment / Crimson Lights

Adam calls Nick and tells him that Connor had a breakthrough and wants to see him and Chelsea… Is the jet available?

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (64)

Nick tells him that the jet is available. He’s glad that Connor is showing progress.

Adam thanks him for his support. He asks if Nick has heard anything else from their dad about his plans for Newman Enterprises and Newman Media… Has Victoria agreed to come back?

Nick says everything is still up in the air; Adam should just focus on Connor right now… He needs his dad.

Adam agrees. He ends the call. His phone pings with a notification from Victor. “Need to see you immediately. Urgent.”

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (65)

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

The doctor arrives, and Audra tells him that before he sees “the patient,” he should know that Tucker is faking it; he’s trying to pull a fast one on his board of directors, and this is a stall tactic!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (66)

The doctor asks why Tucker would do that.

Audra says that Tucker would do anything to save his company, but it’s not going to work.

Dawn brings the doctor to Tucker and tells Audra she needs to leave; she’s causing Tucker more stress by being there.

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (67)

Audra laughs. She says Dawn can’t get rid of her that easily; she’s staying so she can have a front-row seat so she can see the doctor expose Tucker’s fraud.

Tucker tells her to get out. If he’s about to take his last breath, he doesn’t want to do it while he looks at her!

Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (68)

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Y&R Recap - June 17, 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.