Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, June 13, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, Victor swore Adam to secrecy over his plot to destroy an enemy, Sally impressed Summer and asked her to hire Chloe, while Cole and Victoria planned a date.

The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Summer and Chance sit at the bar and talk over drinks.

Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (2)

Chance proposes a toast. “To surviving another day!” He says seeing Summer is the best part of his day. They clink glasses. “Cheers!”

Summer asks about his day… Was he getting into it with Billy again?

Chance says it’s not that easy to explain. Arguing with Billy, Devon, Nate, or Lily would be a welcome reprieve from the unspoken tension at the office.

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Summer says walking on eggshells is the worst.

Chance says he goes to meetings, and there are weird glances, tightened lips, and everyone is on edge. The people on the Winters’ side are angry that Jill gave her power to Billy.

Summer asks how Chance feels about it.

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Chance says it’s a bit out of character for his grandmother and he certainly didn’t want to be handed the reins. He understands why she gave it to Billy, but being a Chancellor, everyone is curious about how Chance feels about it.

Summer says it sounds exhausting. She asks if he wants her to distract him with something positive from her day.

Chance laughs. “Please!”

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Summer says Sally knocked it out of the park; she took Chelsea’s designs and put her own spin on them and improved them.

Chance is happy for Summer that Sally worked out. He asks about Claire; how are things with her and Harrison?

Summer says she told Kyle that she’s fine with Claire and that as long as Harrison is happy, she’s thrilled… But she said that as how she wished she felt. If she’s being honest, she’s not sure how much more she can take.

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The Tack House at Newman Ranch

Claire sits on the sofa reading a book when Victoria walks down the stairs in a beautiful white dress. Claire says Victoria looks gorgeous for her date with Cole!

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Victoria says it’s “just dinner.”

Claire says she loves Victoria’s dress. She asks where they’re going for dinner.

Victoria says she’s not sure… She assumes it’s somewhere casual.

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Claire raises an eyebrow. Casual, dressed like that?

Victoria asks if she thinks it’s too much… She could be mistaken and Cole might take her for a burger at the diner he likes.

Claire doubts it, since Cole had a giant grin on his face when he told her he’d asked Victoria to dinner.

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Victoria thinks she’s making too much out of it.

There’s a knock at the door. It’s Cole, who’s dressed in a suit and is holding a flower.

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Mariah walks into the restaurant and asks Tessa if she’s ready for their date night; Aria is with the sitter right now, and they have a quiet table waiting for them! She notices the look on Tessa’s face and asks what’s wrong.

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Tessa says one of the waitstaff called in sick and she doesn’t have anyone to cover their shift.

Mariah sighs. Not again!

Tessa says she’d call Abby, but she doesn’t want to bother her so late.

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Mariah says it’s fine… It’s part of the job! She says they can pivot; she’ll take a table for one, sip champagne, and watch her very hot manager wife do her thing!

Tessa says she has the perfect spot for her, and they kiss.

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Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Audra shows up to Tucker’s door. His hair is unkempt and he looks like he just got out of bed. He lets her in, and she tells him he has five minutes to talk.

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Tucker offers her a drink, but she refuses. He says she’ll want one… Trust him. He pours her a finger of scotch. He sits down and says he’s not sure how much Ashley intended for him to share when she told Audra he’d explain the rest of it.

Audra thinks he should assume Ashley meant he’d tell her everything.

Tucker feels like he’s violating Ashley’s trust by talking about it.

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Audra isn’t playing this game with him. Ashley told her he’d fill her in, and if he’s going to slither out of telling her, she’ll just leave!

Tucker says she’s right; she deserves to know everything.

Audra says her mind is open; tell her everything.

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The Tack House

Cole tells Victoria she looks beautiful.

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Victoria thanks him.

Claire says Cole looks handsome, too.

Victoria agrees and says she was about to say that if Claire had given her a chance.

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Claire apologizes; she’s excited about their “casual” dinner. She asks if she should put the flower in some water for her mom.

Cole says the flower is actually for Claire.

Claire is surprised. “Oh.”

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Victoria tells her not to sound so excited. Most of their romantic date will probably be spent talking about Claire.

Claire insists their date be a “Claire-free” zone.

Cole jokes that they could talk about horses or something.

Claire says they’re killing her right now by acting like it’s not a big deal, but it is a big deal to Claire… She wants her parents to get reacquainted!

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The GCAC Dining Room

Summer tells Chance she’s worried about being relegated to part-time mom status. She works full-time and doesn’t live at the house, and Harrison spends the day with Claire and the night with his father. She feels like she’s on the outside looking in.

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Chance nods. That’s a terrible way to feel.

Summer says she and Kyle never set up any custody boundaries… Maybe it’s time they changed that.

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The Tack House / Society

Victoria jokes with Cole that they might be able to spend their evening talking about their lives instead of their “brilliant” daughter.

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Cole says it’ll be hard, but he’ll give it the old college try.

Claire tells them to enjoy themselves… She won’t wait up. She tells her dad he’d better not be taking Victoria to “that burger joint.”

Cole smiles and says he made reservations at Society. He leaves with Victoria.

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Claire calls Society and talks to Tessa. She explains who she is and asks if there’s a reservation for Cole Howard.

Tessa says there is a reservation for two.

Claire asks if she can make sure it’s at a quiet table, and she’d like to order a bottle of champagne to have waiting for them when they arrive.

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Tessa asks if it’s a special occasion.

Claire says they’ll claim it’s not, but it is… Her parents are on a “get to know you again” date.

Tessa says Claire seems to be playing matchmaker.

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Claire says she’s just giving them a nudge.

Tessa says she’ll have a bottle waiting for them.

Claire thanks her and ends the call.

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At the restaurant, Mariah asks Tessa what she’s scheming.

Tessa says Claire just ordered up a little romance for her parents’ dinner date.

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Mariah says that’s sweet. She feels bad about giving Kyle such a hard time about hiring Claire as Harrison’s nanny. She only wants what’s best for Claire since she knows how hard it is to start over again… Finding out the truth about your parents in your twenties is something that Mariah can relate to!

Tessa understands Claire trying to play matchmaker… She’s trying to build the family she never had.

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Mariah wonders if Victoria and Cole have the same thought. She wishes Claire had a family member her own age to lean on.

Tessa thinks Abby or Summer could fit the bill.

Mariah says Kyle told her that Summer doesn’t trust Claire and doesn’t really like her.

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The GCAC Dining Room

Chance asks if Summer is looking to get lawyers involved over Harrison’s custody… That could really escalate things.

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Summer feels like if she doesn’t do something about it now, she could risk losing Harrison.

Chance says she should talk it out with Kyle first, but she’s not going to lose her son. She’ll always be Harrison’s mom, and Harrison knows that.

Summer thinks Harrison could forget about her… She’s not around as much as she used to be, and she hates to think of it, but wonders how much Harrison thinks about his biological mom. Tara isn’t in Harrison’s life, she’s in prison, and that’s what allowed Summer and Harrison to bond so deeply. If she’s not around, Claire could replace her in Harrison’s life!

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Chance says Claire is temporary; she’s a nanny that Harrison will outgrow. She’s not competition!

Summer hopes Claire knows that.

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The Tack House

Claire answers the door.

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It’s Kyle. He says that he’s there on Harrison’s behalf.

Claire invites him in and asks if everything is okay.

Kyle says everything is fine… He didn’t mean to alarm her! Harrison wanted Kyle to bring Claire her wallet; he found it and thought she might be worried about losing it.

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Claire says it must have fallen out of her bag. She says Kyle could have texted her; she could have picked it up tomorrow.

Kyle says it’s no big deal; he should have called first, though.

Claire says it’s not a problem… She was just about to sit down and read her new murder mystery!

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Kyle never took her for a whodunit type.

Claire says she has a love/hate relationship with the genre. She has yet to find one where she hasn’t figured out the guilty party halfway through yet!

Kyle thinks maybe Claire should write a novel.

Claire says she didn’t get her father’s writing genes. She asks if Kyle would like to join her for a cup of tea.

Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (37)

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Tessa takes Cole and Victoria to their table and lets them know that Claire ordered them some champagne.

Victoria hopes Claire didn’t order a strolling violinist or a flower seller.

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Cole grins and says Claire’s making him look bad.

Tessa says this is as far as it goes; Claire wanted her to serenade them, but Tessa told her she was too expensive!

Victoria and Cole laugh and take their seats.

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Mariah asks Tessa if she knows how much she loves her.

Tessa says she’s mentioned it once or twice.

Mariah says she’d love to continue their date; she has an idea, but only if Tessa says yes to it.

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The Tack House

Kyle and Claire are sitting on the sofa talking. Kyle asks Claire where she got her penchant for mystery novels… Did she read a lot of Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes as a kid?

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Claire wishes it was that innocent; she has her aunt Jordan to thank. Jordan loved to talk about famous crimes; she’d give her the details and made Claire figure out how they got caught and what their fatal mistakes were… She got really good at figuring out the flaws in criminal’s plans!

Kyle laughs. That’s a weird skill for Jordan to impart on Claire.

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Claire says she didn’t know that Jordan was actually plotting her own crimes and was trying to avoid making any mistakes, which was why she pushed Claire to analyze every angle of the situation.

Kyle says that there’s an upside to it; Claire is primed to make an excellent cop… Or a very good jewel thief!

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Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker tells Audra that his fears about Ashley’s mental state were right… She’s been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. He explains that her personality splintered as a result of a traumatic event that happened to her in Paris.

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Audra figures Ashley’s trauma must have been something other than her and Tucker’s fight at the bistro.

Tucker says Ashley’s friend Alan had a sociopathic twin brother, and Ashley had thought she was talking to Alan, but she was talking to his brother, Martin, instead. Whatever happened between them was too much for Ashley to bear, and she conflated that event with the fight at the bistro. Her personalities came out to protect her.

Audra asks why they wanted to protect her from Tucker.

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Tucker says the personalities wanted to protect her from Martin, but they confused him with Tucker. He says that Ashley is on her way to a private clinic for treatment.

Audra sighs. Ashley must be terrified to lose control of herself. She can’t imagine.

Tucker says Alan turned out to be a good friend and set her up at the clinic.

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Audra asks if Tucker is planning to get back together with Ashley once she’s better.

Tucker shakes his head. He says he’s free of the guilt and worry over Ashley and can let her go completely. Audra was right; he couldn’t let go before, but now it feels like it’s finally over.

Audra finishes her drink and says she thinks Tucker is still fooling himself. He never came there for Audra and Glissade… He came there to check on Ashley. He can’t just turn his concern off like that, especially now that he knows how serious Ashley’s diagnosis is.

Tucker says Audra needs to listen to him… He didn’t come there for Ashley, he came for Audra.

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Cole pours champagne for Victoria and himself.

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Victoria says they have a sweet daughter to buy them champagne.

Cole thinks it’s only right to toast to their family’s future. They clink their glasses.

Victoria says Claire mentioned that Cole asked Kyle to get a beer together sometime… Claire thinks Cole is being an overprotective father.

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Cole laughs and says he might be, but there’s nothing wrong with going out and having a friendly beer with his daughter’s employer. He reminds her that they promised Claire they wouldn’t talk about her tonight.

Victoria laughs. Right! Since their daughter bought them a bottle of champagne, they should respect her wishes.

Cole asks if she has any other topics she’d like to discuss.

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Victoria says she wants to talk about him. When does he think he’ll go back to Oxford?

Cole says that depends on Victoria.

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The GCAC Dining Room

Summer tells Chance she wishes she didn’t feel this way about Claire… She’s sure she’ll get over it.

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Chance says he might not be able to help her let it go, but he can distract her, at least for tonight!

Summer asks if he’s going to take her on a roller coaster ride… The carnival isn’t in town anymore!

Chance says he has other ideas. They kiss.

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The Tack House

Claire tells Kyle she’s not sure if she wants to be a cop or a jewel thief.

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Kyle is relieved. He doesn’t want to find another nanny for Harrison; he adores Claire!

Claire says the feeling is mutual.

There’s a knock at the door, and Claire answers.

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It’s Mariah. She says she saw Claire’s parents at Society and thought Claire might be lonely, so she got her some takeout and some to-go margaritas!

Claire says it’s really nice of her. She invites her in.

Mariah walks in and sees that Kyle is there. She wonders if she’s interrupting something.

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Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker tells Audra he didn’t come to Paris to chase after Ashley. His ticket was already booked when he found out Ashley was there; he came because Audra is there.

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Audra says he came to protect his interest in Glissade… The company he bought with Ashley.

Tucker agrees. He knows Audra came to meet with the board and the CEOs of the companies they’d acquired to turn them against him, and he came there to stop her… Or that’s what he’d told himself.

Audra is glad he’s finally being honest with her.

Tucker says he told himself that he no longer cared about Audra, but there’s nothing he can do about how he feels… He’s still in love with her.

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Victoria tells Cole not to pretend she has anything to do with him returning to Oxford… They both know that Claire is keeping him there!

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Cole says they’re not supposed to talk about Claire, but he wonders what might happen between him and Victoria if he stuck around.

Victoria says she can’t deny the growing connection between them… She was asking herself if it was because of Claire or whether it was something else.

Cole has asked himself the same question… He’s been alone for a while now.

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Victoria laughs. He’s a handsome, sensitive novelist who’s a professor at Oxford… And he can’t find a date?

Cole grins and says he’s dallied with a colleague or two, but nothing ever got serious. He had his work and friends and wasn’t really looking for a relationship. He never wanted to invest in something that wouldn’t last.

Victoria says she’s been in the same place lately… She’s had a long string of relationships that didn’t end well.

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Cole says he hopes he’s not being pushy… He really enjoys spending time with her, and loves that the family they were robbed of is reuniting.

Victoria couldn’t agree more. They clink their glasses in a toast.

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The GCAC Dining Room

Summer asks Chance if they should take it up to her suite.

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Chance says Summer’s mind is already going in a different direction.

Summer laughs. Chance’s techniques are very effective!

Chance tells her to give him her room key and a head start… He’ll go set the mood!

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Summer laughs. Okay! She gives him her keycard.

Chance kisses her and heads upstairs.

Summer pulls her phone out of her purse and sends Kyle a text message. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

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The Tack House

Kyle says hello to Mariah. He didn’t know Mariah and Claire had become pals!

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Mariah says they haven’t yet… The first time she met Claire, she said they should get some margaritas, but it never happened. She saw Victoria and Cole at Society and figured it was the night to make it happen.

Claire says she’s welcome to join them.

Mariah says she has lots of food; Tessa sent her with one of everything.

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Kyle says it seems like a good night for them to get to know each other, and he has to get back and put Harrison to bed anyhow.

Claire tells Kyle to thank Harrison for finding her wallet.

Kyle smiles and says he’ll see her tomorrow. He leaves. On the front porch, he gets Summer’s message.

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Inside, Mariah tells Claire she thinks they have a lot in common.

Claire says that’s unlikely… Unless Mariah has an insane aunt who tried to kill her family!

Mariah laughs. She doesn’t have an aunt like that, but she was raised by the woman who kidnapped her at birth and was brought up in a cult led by Ian Ward.

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Claire’s shocked. “No way!”

Mariah says in her twenties, she discovered that Sharon was her real mother. She says overcoming what they both went through isn’t easy, but she’s proof that you can not only survive, but be happy in life, too!

Claire laughs. “I’ll drink to that!” They clink their glasses, and Claire says she never thought she’d meet someone who understands what her life was like, but she feels like Mariah actually gets it.

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Mariah hoped they could bond over hobbies, but… Childhood trauma it is! They laugh and have a seat. Mariah says Claire seems to be doing well; she thought she’d come over and find Claire alone and sad, but she was surprised to find she had company! She asks if Claire is sure she wasn’t interrupting anything.

Claire scoffs. With Kyle? No. She says Kyle was there to return her wallet, and they were discussing mystery novels.

Mariah says Kyle is a great dad and is one of her besties. She says that she’s had her ups and downs with Summer, and says she was the one who “co-married” Summer and Kyle at their vow renewal. She was one of three officiants and thought that they’d last that time, but Summer can be her own worst enemy sometimes.

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The GCAC Dining Room

Summer gets a text message from Chance. “Ready when you are!”

She finishes her drink and prepares to head upstairs. Her phone pings with a text message from Kyle. “Let’s meet in the morning.”

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Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Audra tells Tucker that he doesn’t love her; he just hates that he can’t have her!

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Tucker says it’s not true. He says the ordeal with Ashley made him grateful for what he and Audra have. He knows she’s furious at him, and thinks she should just admit that she feels the same way about him.

Audra sarcastically asks him to tell her more about herself.

Tucker says he’ll tell her about himself instead… When it comes to business, he’s all about winning and loves the game, but he hates everything he’s done to counter the moves Audra has been making. He realized that he’s been doing things in spite of what he was really feeling and what he really wants… He only wants to be with Audra. He’ll do whatever it takes to fix them, starting with letting her know that he and Ashley are finally and truly finished.

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Audra asks if there’s a step two.

Tucker says that Glissade is hers… If she wants it that badly, she can have it.

Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (75)


Mariah arrives back at the restaurant.

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Tessa says her timing is perfect; she’s done, ready for a glass of wine, and ready to hear how it went with Claire.

Mariah says Claire wasn’t as lonely as she thought she’d be… Kyle was there!

Tessa thinks that’s interesting.

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Mariah says they both insisted that nothing was going on… They’re just two friends who are interested in Harrison’s well-being!

Tessa asks if they’ll have margarita night some other time, then.

Mariah says they had the margaritas together… Kyle ended up leaving, and she and Claire had a great conversation… She says it’s strange how similar their childhoods were.

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Tessa says it’s heartbreaking that they have it in common.

Mariah says they were both taken as babies, raised by bad people, and they both escaped from their lives.

Tessa says they’ve turned their lives around.

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Mariah nods. She’s glad she checked in on her!

Tessa’s glad, too, and she’s happy there’s still time for their date!

They kiss.

Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (80)

The Tack House

Victoria and Cole arrive. Victoria figures Claire has already gone to bed.

Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (81)

Cole figures Claire wanted to give them some privacy. He says he should get going, and he had a lovely evening with her.

Victoria says she did, too. They kiss, and Victoria asks if he’d like to stay and have a drink or some coffee.

Cole nods. He’d love to stay, but after their conversation that night, he doesn’t want to rush things. He wants to make sure Victoria is really ready, and he hopes it’s soon.

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They kiss again, and Cole leaves.

Claire hears the door close and creeps down the stairs and watches her mom with a smile.

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Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Audra is surprised… Tucker’s just handing her Glissade? That’s quite the gesture!

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Tucker says Glissade means nothing compared to what Audra means to him.

Audra figures there’s got to be a catch… She’ll have to agree to get back together with Tucker?

Tucker says he doesn’t have any stipulations. He knows that things between them will never happen if they’re fighting over a company, so he’s handing over his CEO title and the seat on Glissade’s board first thing in the morning.

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Audra says there’s no need.

Tucker’s confused… Isn’t that what she wanted?

Audra says she’ll get it, but not as some sort of bribe to keep her in his universe. That’s the last place she wants to be! She says for years, she thought Tucker was the most brilliant person in the room and that he had all the answers, but he doesn’t, and never did. This time, she has the answer, and it’s a good one! While Tucker was busy worrying about her bad-mouthing him to the other company heads, she was convincing the board to accept a buyout offer from an anonymous investor! Tucker will be outnumbered in the board vote, and she’ll take control of Glissade. She tells Tucker he’s lost, and she hopes it hurts like hell!

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Y&R Recap - June 13: Cole Romances Victoria, While Audra Declines Tucker's Offer to Give Her Glissade and Reveals Her Counter-Attack (2024)


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