The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Shelby Sentineli

Shelbyville, Kentucky

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ITEMS DE a 5 i JUST THE THING a Ecuiosc Shod 8 Youn Women i6mayv amiiuiiiui mimumiNW in the Beaumont O'l ields orY a 1 I it cA Serve You nA A Si or advice in cam requiring special tflreo i tloni address firing symptom the 3 Advisory Department The Chattanooga Med i 1 Idne Company Chattanooga Tenn I Texas Oil Lands CANDY CATHARTIC 1 4 Parties Desiring to Purchase Land! in (he Beaumont ields orY Genuine stamped Never sold In bulk i i i A i zi ITT Beware of the dealer who tries to sell 1 Oil Stocks Any Company Writer wnething just as A 1 II Ale am On the Ground and Ca til" 2 Ent arms for Sale 2 Serve Yoe A An BUS the will SB In a telegram to the Sentinel Hon McChord Chairman of the Ken tucky Kailroad Commission states that the Commissioners will meet at the court house in Shelbyville next Saturday morning at half past ten to hear the complaint lodged by the people liv ing between here and Christiansburg on the failure of the and 0 railroads to operatea local train service on the Shelby cut off All interested parties are expected to be present Miss Della Straytr TuHy Kam have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods for a long time was nervous had no appetite and lost interest in everything In fact was miserable I have taken four bottles of Wine of Carduiwith Thedford's Black Draught when needed and to day I am entirely cured I cannot express the thanks I feel for what you have done for lOt? lit fiOe Genuine stamped Never sold In bulk 3QOC1 di to heartfelt remetn John and Our new Straws new Shapes new Styles Boys' and Children's Straw Hats Parties desiring a fine bluegrass farm only 3 miles from Shelbyville have a rare opportunity to secure one of the best farms in Shelby county at the Com sale of the Simrall farm on Monday July 8 (county courtdav) This farm contains acres and is located on the State pike only 3 miles west of town This farm is in a high state of cultivation and the improvements are all that could be desired See ad in this issue for further particulars bT' John Pemberton Most Useful Citizen puss*s Awuy After Long Suffering Miss Sarah Gore Kogers Dead Miss Sarah Gore Kogers died last Thursday morning at half past nine at the home of her brother Mr Kogers No 1704 Preston street Louisville She was in the seventy second year of her age and a native of Shelbyville being the daughter of and Harriett Rogers The funeral ser vices were conducted last riday after noon at three from the residence of 1 er brother The burial was pri vate Iler father was for many vears a lead ing merchant of Shelbyville and lived where Mr Long now resides on the corner of Eighth and Washington streets Io recent years she had made her home in Bullitt county but has been a frequent visitor to Shelby ville She was a most excellent woman be loved by all who knew her She was a life long member of the church South and spent her life doing for others If it comes from tis whatever it II It is Right in Quality and Lowest! Price Card of Thanks We desire to express our thanks for the many kind brances shown our brother Pemberton during his last illness for the lovely flowers sent while hying and after his death Brothers ani Sister titer men iwear and isfaction tusn Shoes on the tnaq Equal in appeara and service tfi 41500 Shoe I pair warranted every particul? in from 25c to the finest grades forget our Broadway Specials $350 hat the best Hat in this country equal to any $500 hats AUCTION MUIIUdU dllU lllUl S1 I I Charged With Cattle Stealing Booker Overton a prominent farmer of the inchville neighborhood and two negroes of that section were arrested last riday by Constable Bullock and officer Duncan and brought to Shelbyville and lodged in jail They were arrested on a warrant sworn out by Mr Crawford Jones a well known farmer of that neighborhood who al leged that they stole several head of cat tle off bis place drove them to Louis ville and sold them to a live stock deal er Mr Jones on discovering the loss of the cattle proceeded immediately to Louisville and identified his stock The dealer said he had bought them from Overton Pending his examining trial which was set for Monday Overton was released on $1500 boud which was fur nishedby Miss Turnham bis avedaunt At the trial Monday be promptly waived examination and was held over to await the action of the grand jury in the same bail Overton has been addicted to the use of narcotics for some time and his friends say has not been the same man mentally since he was struck on the head some time back during an altercation with another person When searched at the jail a bottle containing about 100 strych nine tablets was taken from his pockets While confined in jail be became violent ly ill and it was thought he had taken an overdose of the poison Booker Over ton has always been a hale fellow well met and cf a jovial and kindly disposi tion and the serious predicament he has gotten himself into is regretted on all sides for the sake of his family Both the negroes were dismissed 11 Have yon nrbeen to the Boston I' have not you ought to go 1 5 Sold at auction oh Mo? ys and Also at privat any day $E5QOOO STOCJEZ of all kinds consigned by the leading factories and private parties DE INVITED I i I Manufacturer urniture arid Commission (j jGRSON AND GREEK' SI BET 3RD AND KENTI The death of Mr Jobu Pem berton which occurred at bis home on Main street between Eighth and Ninth last Thursday night nt half past ten after many months of suffer ing cast a gloom over the entire commu nity The news of his death which was not unexpected did not become gener ally known until the following morning and caused sincere regret and his un timely demise was universally deplored on all sides removing as it did from among us a most useful citizen who ex erted a powerful influence fcr good Mr health began to fail about a year ago and three months ago he was compelled to give up active bus iness and had since been confined to the bouse or the past ten weeks he had been bed Lst The cause of bis death was disease During all his long suffering he appeared cheerful and not a murmur escaped hitti always displaying that true Christian fortitude so characteristic of the true servant of God John Breckinridge Pemberton was born near Graefenburg in this county Dec 7 1854 beiug the oldest son of and Elizabeth Cox Pemberton At the age of seventeen he went to rank fort and remained three years when he came to Shelbyville and began clerking for Schooler in the grocery busi ness He afterward became a member of the firm of Burnett Pemberton Harbison and later Pemberton Campbell of which he remained the head until his death During all his long and honorable business career in Shelbyville he enjoyed the respect and esteem of his fellow men to the utmost degree and his name was the synonym for sterling honesty and integrity At the age of twelve years Mr Pem berton united with the Christian church at Graefenburg and remained a faithful and devoted member of this denomina tion until his Master called him to his reward above He always took a most prominent and active interest in all re ligious matters and was especially fore most in Sunday school work or the past twenty years he had been superin tendent of the Christian church Sunday school here and secretary and treasurer of the church He was a valued mem 1 ber of the Odd ellows He is survived by two sisters Mrs Henry Clore of Beard Oldham county Mrs George Dear of this place and two brothers Mr Pemberton the well known merchant at Clark and Capt Ben Pemberton Chief of Po lice of Suelby ville The funeral services were conducted at the Christian church Saturday morn 1 ing at balf past ten o'clock exactly as previously arranged by him in detail even to the music he requested to be rendered Elder Wallace Tharp of Crawfordsville Ind a cousin of the deceased preached the sermon in which he paid a beautiful tribute to the splen did virtues of this truly good man The church was crowded from chancel to vestibule with sorrowing friends and relatives to pay the last mark ot respect Mayor Willis issusd a proclamation calling upon all the merchants to close their business houses during the hours of the funeral The burial took place in the family lot in Grove Hill cemetery in the presence of a Urge concourse The floral offerings were numerous beautiiul and costly and completely banked the grave on all sides Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Misses Bessie and annie Clore Messrs Henry John and Elmo Clore of Beard Miss Salite Smith cf rankfort Mrs Ida Waters of Jefferson county Elder Wallace Tharp of Crawfordsville Ind Elders Cox and Wm Tharp of Middletown MrGeo Garrett of Louisville Miss Maggie Mcadden of Louisville Mr John Conn of Boston Mr John Waters Mid deltou Misses Susie Tinsley Kitty Jen kins and Nora Storts of Graefenburg Rev Ernest Elliott of Beard The entry into womanhood is a critical time for a girL Little men strual disorders startra at that time soon grow into fatal complications That female troubles are tilling graveyards proves this Wine of Cardui estab lishes a painless and natural menstrual flow when once this important func tion is started right a healthy life will usually follow Many women young and old owe their lives to Wine of Cardui There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain and to tit young women for every duty of life $1X0 bottles at druggists TT I 1 8 LNothinft fits MW 5 1 1 1 I i 1 8 do weiras ssk LJ mva rnrr a rn I Tin uowaix hed stone bridge on the Suite pike four miles east of town Is about completed It is now ready for travel The city tax rate of Richmond for the coming year has been fixed at JI $100 Georgetown has fixed the rate at 00 cents Shelbyville's tax rate in only 35 cents Tin: Sen tinel employes were kindly remembered last evening by a nice as sortment of refreshments sent to them by the Boston Bakery The luncheon was highly enjoyed by all the boys The death of James Weaver an aged and highly respected colored citizen occurred last Sunday He was buried Tuesday under the auspices of the col ored order to which he belonged While engaged in coupling cars at Burgin Capt Wm Mullinix the well known and popular passenger con ductor on the Southern Railway tained very painful injuries by train backing down on him He be laid ud for some time ALL KINDS i urniture Carpets Matti: and Household Goods I ITEMS INTEREST 8 ivi A The double liability clause of the cor poration law of Kentucky has been up held by the Court of Appeals sustaining the opinion of the lower court that the stockholders must stand an assessment to meet the debts of a defunct corpo ration The death of Samuel Blakemore a prominent young merchant of La grange occurred last Thursday after noon He was twenty two years of ago and a veteran of the Spanish American war His sister Miss Lucy Blakemore is Superintendent of Schools of Oldham county The model of Joel Hart's famous statue Triumphant" has been discovered in lorence Italy and it is now stated that the statue will be restored The original was destroyed by fire when the ayette county court house was burned It was placed there by the women of Kentucky The following refers to a young man who is well but not favorably remem bered in Shelbyville: Sulli van alias Edward Brisbane serving a ninety day sentence at Alexandria Ind for alleged insurance frauds es caped Irom jail last riday evening and is now at liberty He is wanted in Mis souri and Arkansas for insurance frauds ALL THE NEWS THE kG VICINITY TOLD IN BRIE We have said a great deal about ourj line of Spring Suit Hats Shoes and urnish ings but the attractive stock and IMMENLSE ASSORTMENT warrants us' in epeariug our claims that we carry the most up to dailt and largest sidLk of and Chil 1 wearables in this section god right prices! lower than you caA buy de pendable merchandise elsewhere Why chances? by (looking at or inferior! goods at apparently low prices Come di to us We L'ill please and give tyou one hundred cents of value for every dollar 111 I Mi Washington Brown Sr after a i his daughter Mrs Marcun turned Tuesday to his home inHiiHtonvil'e Messrs an! 'Icsdamea 0 A McCor mack William Bullard Martin Col and Mrs Snider Dr aud Mrs John Jessee Misses Elizabeth McCor mack Elsie Paxton Lillian Hanco*ck Prof It A Burton Prof Elma Paxton Kand Mr Hanco*ck of Waddy com pose a party that left this morning for Louisville where they will take the steamboat of for Cin A One of our Nobby Spring Stilts Moderately Priced A ROTIICilllD OOGQCXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQOQOOOOOQOGOOOOCajOOOQQGOOOOGOOCI BA GOT 0 BOK 386 BEAUMONT TEXAS i i 1 2 ine arms for Sale 2 Two finest etoek and grain farms in Kftrtu Si road 15 mile from Loui containing an and 130 acres respec vi uj I dwelling house and uptodaie in 1 vet '01 each Land very fertile and every huL tan be cultivated well watered fine orchard etc be sold price reasonable Address MKS MILLJ ZI Zoneton Ky oaoaoaoooooecaoaoaoaoaoeoaoaoaoeoaoooooeoaoeoeoeoeoe Dn Elms dentist office over Citizens Bank tf The real estate agency of Collier Harbison sold for Mr (j A Caldwell to Mr Smith tho property on westside of Third street between Main and Clay fur $3000 Soctuvilie is now connected with the outside world by telephone connection the Cumberland company having ex tended its line to that placce Mt Eden will shortly be reached The many friends of popular John Skelton were glad to see him here last riday Ho is now located with bis family in Covington and has opened a fine saloon where he is doing a nice business Mr Douglas Bird the English tenor of Lonisville with several pupils will give a special song service at Mt Pleasant Baptist church Sunday after noon June 30th at 3 Every body cordially invited No admission The corner stone of the new Masonic Temple at Louisville will be laid on June St John's Day Judge Harrison Worthy Master of Solo mon Lodge of this place will attend the exercises as representative of this Shelby county people paid an aggre gate of $38000 in premiums on life in surance policies last year according to an official report The largest claim paid in Shelby county during the same year was $10000 on the life of the late Luther Demaree who met such a tragic death at the Colson Scott duel at rankfort Quite a number took advantage of the excursion to Cincinnati run over the Southern Kailway last Sunday un der the management of Mr Kirk All report a delightful day's outing and the only inconvenience was the delay in leaving Cincinnati and the frequent de lays on the return trip The excursion reached here at half past three Monday morning Last riday night a diamond ring and sunburst broooch belonging to Mrs Wm Rogers and valued at $350 was stolen from her home on Washington street near Ssventh Will Lewis a ne gro employed at the house was arrested Sunday afternoon on suspicion but was released yesterday afternoon as no case could be made out against him The diamonds have not yet been recovered and there is no clew to the thief Mr Smith and family will move next week into their new homeon Main street near irst recently pur chased of Mr Burnett Mr A Hanco*ck manager of the Postal Tele graph Cable Co and wife will take rooms there Mr Hanco*ck requests us to state that the main wire of the Postal will be cut into his room and he will have a telephone placed in his room so that telegrams can be sent over the Pos tal at any hour of the night Geo Middelton the progressive druggist has just purchased from the Simpson Scale Co of Detroit Mich the most ingenious and best pair of scales ever seen here It is so simple and yet accurate that any child can make any computation with its aid They must be seen to be appreciated Owing to the purchase of these new scales Mr Middelton has for sale one or two pairof scales which the new ones will allow him to dispense with and they can be bought at a great bar gain Drop in and see the new scales weigh a package and tell you its value at any price per pound Mrs Tom Wallace Wins Prize The Louisville Post last Saturday evening published an excellent likeness of Mrs Marv Adair Wallace who won first prize in the recipe contest inaugur ated by that paper several weeks ago There were over 200 contestants and she easily won on ber famous the recipe for which is as follows: The yolks of four eggs and one whole egg well wnipped A cup of sugar i cup cake crumb cup of seeded i cup of nut meats (English walnuts or pecans best) 3 tablespoonfuls of whisky 1 tablespoonful of butter 1 teaspoonful of vanilla Bake ten minutes in mod erately hot oven Put merinvne on tnn and return to oven to brown Serve with wne sauce or with hard sauce flowet with vanilla or to suit taste The judges of the contest were Mes dames John Castleman Basil Duke and Manon Taylor of Louisville tk ti gK I i' iR! Oik 1 'LI k1 ini ft 5 II an I 1 Every tn i i'P 'Il Ya't so I I I I 9 AS 'V: i I I i i I Wk Any Ik htre tney will remain until nt I I li 1 4 I irC I.

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The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5797

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.