The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Shelby Sentineli

Shelbyville, Kentucky

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THE SHELBY SENTINEL RUCHES THE PEOPLE SHELBYVILLE KENTUCKY MARCH 5 1903 NUMBER 38 OL 59 PEAK WON'T RUN Qur Witch Writ One Barrel in Wood SATISIED WITH THE JUDGESHIP One Barrel in Sacks Just Opened 5Qc ENGLE NEWS IN BRIE HUMAN MONSTER arnuug uiuicu duucb vuuaiu ai suucrmg uiu uuirvr Puerto Cortez has asked for a cruiser wrecks could be avoided 1 BECKHAM DECLINES fl fl of the nt in to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to and one five for to to to to to I have 75 of these Velvet lengths and so long as the lot lasts you have an opportunity to obtain this Bargain Governor Will Not Enter Int Joint Debates With His Op ponents or Nomination King Edward VII of England per sonally notified President ran cis that he would exhibit the price less collection of presents received by Queen Victoria during her jubilee at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion to be held in St Louis next year 4 The exhibit will be the personal contribution toward the suc cess of the exposition 1 Best Granulated Sugar '20 lbs for $ioo The report having gained circula tion throughout the State and it hav ing been reported in the public press that Hon Peak of Shelbyville Democratic nominee for Circuit Judge of this the Twelfth district would shy his castor into the ring for the Democratic nomination for Governor caused that gentleman to enter an emphatic denial of such intention Judge Peak was interviewed and firm ly stated that while he was extremely gratified to learn that his name had report that I might be a candidate for Governor this year is absolutely without foundation I am very grateful to the Demo crats of the Twelfth Judicial district for the nomination for Circuit Judge and I am entirely satisfied to bear that commission so gener ously given me While I am profoundly grateful to the many kind friends throughout the State who have in their partiality mentioned my name in connection with the governorship I am sure that they will agree with me that I should be satisfied with one nomination and not undertake to secure another are already three distinguished gentlemen seeking the gubernatorial nomination and when the Democracy of Kentucky has given into the hands of any one of them its standard I will hold my self in readiness then as always heretofore to give my best efforts towards the success of my Alfred Knapp Confesses to Hav ing Murdered Two Wives and Three Girls Other Central American republics are taking part in the revolution in Honduras Nicaragua has sent troops to support President Sierra A force sent by Salvador has invaded Hondu ras in the interest of Senor Bonilla who claims to be the rightflly elected President The Government of Sal vador refused to join with Nicaragua to invade Guatamala and start a rev olution there White Mercerized Madras and Canvass Waistings in entirely new de signs and at Lowest Prices Ladies will find the best grade of Velvet Carpets in beautiful designs and colorings One yard of this grade of Velvet Carpet usually sells for $115 per yard which would cost for 1 1 6 yard $134 I can sell you the length for only This price is only good for that day We guar antee every sack and barrel and at the same time give it to you cheaper than you can possibly buy the same goods elsewhere 1 Northern Seed Potatoes and Onion Sets ESTABLISHED IN YEAR 1840 We have also received our supply of bulk and pack age Garden Seed The prices are away below anything in the county and you know wg sell noth ing but the best of Seeds As a starter we are go ing to sell you 15c worth of Seed for 5c Come and look at them jj Machine Torchon Laces you cannot tell from Hand made JJdVCo Up to 5 inches wide good washable Laces worth 10c a yard for only tlU 1 1 11 A I Wl been made use of in connection with this high honor he had no intention of making the race and was content to preside on the bench of the Twelfth district circuit to which he had recently been nominated by a splendid majority Mr Peak expects to use his best efforts for the success of the ticket nominated by the Demo crats at the approaching Democratic State primary election as has always been his wont' His remarks in full will be found above Tiiqq The' best made Smyrna Rugs 36x72 wUgjQ inches in new designs This quality always AA sells 460 I am offering them at the low price of ePOstz" new Btock of Shoes being opened Ladies I lvZ C0 can find all the new lasts and toes Remember my prices are the Lowest and we carry the best qualities only Our stock is complete and the prices are just right Yours or' Business BLUE GRASS GROCERY i LANGDON CREASY (INC) Mgr1 Shelbyville Ky Zlbaline Mohairs in navy and green with Hairline Stripes the latest weave and effect in Spring Dress goods worth 70 cents for only VylV The long senatorial deadlock in Del aware was broken 1 Monday by a junc tion of the Addicks and anti Addicks Republicans in the Legislature the result being the election of rank Allee for the long term and Louis Heisler Ball for the short term' Allee is an Addicks man and Ball anti Ad dicks Tne result is regarded as a victory for Addicks Three trainmen wer killed and twenty four passengers were injured in a wreck on the Cincinnati South ern railroad near Lenoir City Tenn The wreck is thought to have been caused by a landslide which spread the rails and left a bowlder on the track The' cars ran down an em bankment and the three foremost caugt fire and were destroyed An address has been prepared by the national officers of the Clan Na Gael to be read in all i the principal American cities on the anniversary of Robert birth 7 The ad dress calls on all Irishmen to proclaim the true state of the national feeling and not allow the world to believe that Ireland is content to remain a part of Great Britain on condition that the wrongs Inflicted by the land laws be redressed or done away with The address pronounces for an Irish nepuouc Special Bargain in Velvet Carpe in 1 1 6 yard lengths suitable fdi Is to give you 16 ozs to the pound the best quality of Groceries and more for the money than any house in town We are not afraid to advertise prices and always stick to them Our Special Price On Kansas lour for Monday March 9th is: JUDGE rAf peak ATorlpaa Cloths of sheer quality in woven colored Stripes LvJ tlLl 1 do 32 inches wide regular 20c quality for only lUv In a fight at almouth William Smith was probably fatally stabbed by George Latart The post office safe at Tablow Mer cer county was blown open and rpb 77 bed of its contents Over one half of the best square in Cincinnati was destroyed by fire last Thursday The property loss is the largest in the history and will approximate $2000000 Mary Anderson the great actress has expressed a desire to return to America if she can arrange her per sonel affairs and appear at the pro Vipnpfit in New York for her former rival Clara Morris fThe Knox county Tenn authori ties will open 1000 graves to secure jfurther evidence in pauper burial (frauds Over 200 empty coffins out of a total of 279 opened is the record toY flate Body snatching exposures are also expected 1 7 The Chicago wheat market showed a tendency to advance during the past week despite a large visable supply Cory prices were firm A tight pro Jidion market is predicted for the aext two months' Prices 3for cattle 4 nd sheep are also on the up grade If The Haly building in rankfort was destroyed by fire at 2:45 last morning The loss is estimat Id at $45000 A wholesale grocery ahoe and the 'armory of theeckham Guards all of which occu pied 'the one building were burned tout Representative DeArmond of Mis Introduced in Congress a con i'urrent resolution directing Presi dent Roosevelt to ascertain the terms ipon which Great Britain would con lent to cede Canada to the United states provided the inhabitants of the Dominion are willing 1 fc His attention being directed to the Suffering in inland by the efforts of Americans to relieve the amine the p)zar will at once Inaugurate large re Lief measures The chief of these will 7'se public works costing more than 13000000 and which will give employ uent to the starving inhabitants A oank will be established to lend money xne xaxiucrs Alfred Knapp the Hamilton man arrested at Indianapolis for mur dering his third wife has confessed to four other murders He admits hav ing also killed his second wife three girls He strangled each of his victims He has served sentences in the penitentiary other crimes one of them being for criminal assault He is accused of arson and other offenses in addition to the ones already enumerated The police were horrified over the start ling disclosures made by this fiend in human form His present wife re mains true to him although she ad mits that he several times attempted to strangle her while asleep The nude corpse of Hannah God dard Knapp the third wife of Alfred Knapp the self confessed multi mur derer was found floating in the Ohio river near New Albany Monday after noon 'The body was completely identified as one of victims by finger and ear rings which she wore The description of the woman and of the jewelry fitted that given by Knapp who is now a prisoner in the' jail at Hamilton Next Week Aiden new attraction Chas dramati zation of Marie well known novel will be presented by Alden excellent company at Layson Opera House on Tuesday March 10 far surpasses any of Mr previous suc cesses' The scenery and electrical effects are wonderful their equal having seldom been produced upon any stage AU who have read ma will be most anxious to see the drama for Mr Chase has left none of the interesting scenes unnoticed No expense has been spared in obtaining the best sf talent for this production and the costumes of the ladies are said to be creations of beauty Re served seats at drug store 7 President Roosevelt has called an extraorkinary session of the Senate to be convened to day A covehtion of the Burley tobacco growers of Kentucky was held in Lex ington last'Thursday Hon James McCreary will take his seat in the United States Senate at noon to day as the junior Senator from Kentucky and Deboe will drop into oblivion whence he came Senator Blackbum advocated the appropriation by Congress of $200000 to settle the claims of former Queen Liliuokalanl saying it would be a good investment for the Government The Alabama Legislature has ad journed until the second Tuesday in September The long recess will be employed in framing two important laws a law governing municipalities and a new code Minister Bowen has been notified" by President Castro that rance Spain and Belgium have proposed a direct settlement with Venezuela and that an agreement may be reached with out their signing the protocols Three 'trainmen were killed in a wreck in the New York Central yards at Syracuse The men were asleep in a caboose which was derail ed and ran across the main track where an express train struck it Ten masked men beat and tortured Christian Joeblin and his family two miles from Toledo for five hours in the effort to secure 120000 which they believed was hidden in the house They secured $300 in money and several articles of jewelry Republican leader in the Senate are receiving congratulations from their frieqds for the manner in which they have kept trust and tariff legis lation in the background while Sena tor Quay was put forward to conduct a lengthy and fake fight on the State hood Bill Advices from Honduras are to the effect that martial law ha been pro claimed but no disturbance have thus far arisen Sierra was proclaim ed President by the Honduras Con gress' The revolutionistare still armlnrr The United States Consul at Mrs Maude Ballington Booth of the Sal vtipn Army has written a let ter to a number of railroad managers suggesting that all train be provided with cases containing anaest xetics bandages etc She gives espe ial at tention to anaesthetics sayin 7 that by administering them to srsons hopelessly pinned down by wri ckage and those certain to die much aufferintr and' horror incids uuugc a orcuKiuAiUgC ua djjiie county candidate tor tne Democratic 77 nomination for Governor has written another letter to Gov Beckham in response to the note de dining to engage in joint discussions Judge Breckinridge says his letter was merely meant as an invitation to be present at the speaking in rank fort leaving the Governor to decide as to the propriety of addressing the crowd in the letter he reiterates the opinion that Gov Beckham is in A eligible to re 7 Gov Beckham has announced 'that A he will not engage in joint discussions with his in the "pending gubernatorial campaign In a letter declining an invitation to divide time with Judge Breckinridge at rank fort the Governor says it is hi pur pose to win if possible without dispar aging the claims of his opponents and that he believes joint Rebates are hurtful to the party unnecessary anti 7 4 unwise' 'S 'v I I Deaths la Anderson County Louis Wagner a highly respected auu weu io uo larmer ox rue warns vuie neighborhood died at his home 7 of infirmities of old age Miss Maud Yowell aged seventeen 7 daughter of Moses Yowell a promi nent farmer of the southern part of' 1 Anderson county' died at her home of consumption Albert Davenport a well known young farmer died at his home seven miles from Lawrenceburg of iever Jesse Sparrow of the Green Chapel neighborhood died after a lingering illness of consumption He is sur vived by a widow and four children It Keeps eet Warm and Dry 'Ask todavfor oot Ease a powder It cures Chilblains Swollen Sweating Sore Aching Damp feeL i ax an druggists ana snoe stores vc rance is a larger importing natioa than the United State READ BV EVERYBODY Shdby County Distinguished Son Not a Candidate or The Governorship 4l '7 Il I' I mMh iOtfl 1 fl iMwwy 1 Ml fl illB I AZ 4 fl A I fl awl 5 fl Si' fl UwM fl fl fl fe Bws fe W71 it a $440 $420 'Mo 1 'Stif 1 vWf I i 1 'f jh If 4 ''A" 14 yiem i 4 ipt is rra iu a i jwi a gt 'f i 1 a jvw jffigu a asasws jjj i sn Ate A r1 MHBj 'dKi.

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The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.