The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)

a a a a tent 1975 PINTO conditon, station clean, low wagon, mileage, excel- 1974 PLYMOUTH Satellite, radio and tape deck, refrig- matic, air, new fires, vinyl top. eration, carrier rack, 4-speed trans- Must sell. 303-5957. unission, anytime 832-9052 after 6 p.m. 1975 take CHEVELLE Malibu Estate days, weekends.

wagon, over payments. 399. Automobiles Automobiles Sports- Foreign Trucks The Bukerafield Culifornian Monday, Oct. 25, 33 72 74 4-Wheel Drives 1971 INTERNATIONAL Travelall, 4-wheel drive, 4-speed, $2,950. 366- 8475.

CJS JEEP, good condition. Call 845- 3268, ask for Jerry. 1973 BLAZER, excellent condition. Loaded, Call 854-2182. WD, 1975 goodies, CHEV.

$5,100. 399-2030. SHiverado, 4- Automotive Services 76 A-7 AUTOMOTIVE Complete Auto Repair. Transmissions, leaks. seals, and etc.

Best prices in town. or 399-4228. CARBURETOR and overhaul. Disabled man al home, factory trained, reasonable rates. 324-2235.

LLOYD'S MOBILE REPAIR, piete automotive service. Your place or mine. Free estimates. 324- 1516. ENGINES overhauled and rebulld.

ing only. Over 20 years experience, work guaranteed. 366-3050. EXPERT automatic transmission rebullding. Any type Guaranteed, reasonable.

366-4074. MECHANIC WORK done, all kinds. Cheap. 831-8148, 832-8127 Auto Accessories and Parts 78 MAG WHEEL SALE High polished dish type mags Size Only $19.99 13x7 21.99 14x7 22.99 14x8 25.99 15x7 26.99 15x8 31.99 15x10 33 99 WIRE NAGS 14x7 24 99 14x8 27 99 28 15x8 33 99 15x10 35.99 DELTA TIRE 11300 Main Street Lamont 845-2171 BARRON NOW AT PARTS DEPOT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE 2731 BRUNDAGE LANE 327-0626 OPENING MONDAY OCT 2511: 8 A.M.-6 P.M. FOUR 750x15 Jeep tires and wheels.

$60 Twa Goodvear tires on Jeep whecis. $50 Two Win60 dune buggy $50 871-4361 FOR GOOD used meters. transmis. sions and all auto parts. call and Auto Dismantling.

832-2576 FOUR 15x10 wide spoke with 11.15 maxi track 6 lug Chevy. 834-0574. REBUILT 390 engine, complete. $500. Taft, 765-4561 or 763-1305 after 6 P.M.

REBUILT automatic transmission, $150, fits 1963-1967 Chrystor Dodge. 325-4117. TOP CASH paid for wrecked or junked cars. Ace Auto Wrecking, TWO CORVETTE Bodies, Misc parts. 1958.

792-2383. McFarland after INDY like new Fits Vega or Chevy L.0. $168 7391. CHEVY appilar: Cragar style. 11-0 nos $10C 4924 Taft 1967 COUGAR.

289 VE mags now tires All or part. 399 6167 PAYLESS AUTO Wre: buys junk cars trucks SALE OR TRADE Cher, V8 Complete. Rebuildable 393-0611 1963 CHEVY front and back seat. $35. 366-8573 1966 DODGE rear end, $15 343-0511 Classic and Antique Autos I 79 WANTED: MODEL Ford in good condition Will pa: $100 find.

ers tee. Please refer all information to closed Box No. 1-398 Bakers. field Callfornian 1940 FORD VAN, custom interior. new rebuilt 390 Ford engine auto.

matic transmission sec 10 appreci ate $2.000 firin or 768 4354 Derby Acres Automobiles 72 Classic and Antique Autos 79 CLEAN DEPENDABLE 1955 Chevy Bel Aire classic, 2-door hardtop. 6- cylinder, automatic, $700 or best offer. 831-8436 or 324-7463. SHOWPIECE. 1960 Chevy convertible, white with black top, Winston tires.

$1.275 or trade for late van. 324-1007. 1961 STUDEBAKER Lark, V8, automatic. 56,000 miles. $800, 2361 Wanted To Buy- Autos 80 WANTED JUNK CARS, TRUCKS SCRAP METAL CASH FOR CAR BODIES, 4418 UP TO $5,000 PAYLESS AUTO wrecking Buy wrecked, junk cars.

trucks. bodies. 366-8924, 831-4231. WE BUY CARS Paid model. for We or not, any make, any can pay your car off and give you cash for your equity.

BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 911 OAK STREET 323-2874 CARS AND trucks needed, repair Able or junk will pay more than junk price. 366-3305. NEED CHEAP WORK car in a Running condition, please. WOULD LIKE to buy your junk or wrecked cars and trucks Pay high. est price in town.

366-5140. CASH for junk cars. Bodies hauled free. 831-0476 CALL ME FIRST! 832-5100 for highest price on junk cars. CASH FOR CARS Junk or ning and J.

832-2576 399-3933 MOST CASH for junk cars and car bodies. Oildale (unker, 393-5631. WE PAY more for (unk cars Also parts for sale. Call 366-4806 Motorcycles- -BicyclesGo-Karts 82 BEELER WILSON HONDA Why Pay More Honda Express Come on America. Get on the Honda Express.

This new Honda is a enjoyable chine that's great fcr getting around town or weekend ways Features include: automatic clutch, full lighting for street internal expanding brakes front and rear 100 gas mileage por gal- ONLY $289 Beeler. 57 Wilson IN MONT Honda GUST SELL 1975 TA TE top shape Never raced NeA swing arm, handle tars front fora Must ride to oppreciate 792. :021 Delany 1475 K5 tutor bitted air vine made f-cation. Wirget Oury's AX pegs untreakabic lovers $610 758-7804 Wasca I set MUST SELL lates! vo. fresh engine.

excellent condition. $460 Call for tion. 1974 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sport. ster 1000 Low mileage Excellent concition Lots extras Best citer 372-1980 1976 MODAKA 125 $425, 1976 SuzuA: RM 100 1976 Honda RM-50 $300 Honda 50-Trail $125. Call 399-1162 Automobiles 72 Go-Karts 82 THE HONDA CENTER WE'RE OUT TO BEAT ANY DEAL ON A NEW HONDA PUT US TO THE TEST OPEN MON.

THRU SAT. 26TH CHESTER 324-9695 Bakersfield Cycle Super Specials HD 74 Rod Sets $67.50 HD Piston Sets $42.95 NGK Plugs HD 74 Gasket Sets $7.95 (Fits 1948-65) Diamond 53x 106 Chain $16.95 Honda Batteries $16.95 (Avallable 350-450-500-550 only) WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Bakersfield Cycle Supplies 2800 AVE. 324-0554 ARE YOU TIRED of paying prices that are out of this world? We. at Bakersfield Cycle, have that brand name part or accessory you need at an everyday low This price that will save you money. month's specials are: Drive chain, tires, and batteries.

Why pay a sometimes low price? Stop by today and save BAKERSFIELD 2800 CHESTER 324-0554 MUST 1973 Kawasaki 250 Enduro. excellent condition, 399. 7884. MUST SELL 1973 HONDA 450. Showroom condition, 3,800 miles.

$650. After 4 P.M. Wasco, 758-26 10. 1967 305 HONDA. Must sell, $300.

Extra parts. See at 2220 Buena Vista 1969 KAWASAKI 500, needs electrical work, $250 or best offer, 832. 2017. 1969 175 HONDA, set up for TT, street legal, newly rebullt engine, $200 366-3657 after 6 1970 TRIUMPH 650. 831-7547 1972 HONDA Trati 70.

licensed for the road. 1977 tags, recently hauled, $200. 325-7098. 1973 KAWASAKI 500 street bite $700 or best offer. Sop at Kern County Yamaha or cal 872-2197.

1974 360 YAMAHA MX good cond: tion. $500 10313 Glenn in Great. nacres. 1975 HONDA CB 360. immaculate condition, 1.700 miles.

mate offer. 1975 HONDA CB 490, helmet, 800 mites. tike new. $1.100 or offer, anytime 832-2269. 1975 360 BULTACO Pursang, new Fox air forks, $500.

832-6669 after 6 p.m HONDA 7.50. Locks and runs good. $125 Call 366-8980 PENTON 125. 1975, needs minor work, $550. 871-3283.

1969 YAMAHA 220. runs. needs cleaning. 1970 HONDA 750. 400d shape.

$1.000. 366-8783 1970 300 HUSK AVARNA. 5000. 1971 175 Kawasaki $175. 366 8573.

BSA best offer. Excel. engine HONDA Si. 125 45.000 miles. belient condition $300.

399-9219 1971 HONDA 350 900d condition $-425 or best offcr. 1971 250, $400 or best offer. Alter 5 393-0837 1971 650 TRIUMPH, new engine. with chrome, ss00. 792-2630, Wasco.

1972 HONDA 750. full dress. $1,400. 877-366) 1973 HONDA TRAIL 70, excellent condition, $180. 834-2817 after 5.

1973 YAMAHA MX 80. $275. 323-0359 1973 450 HONDA, semi chopped, $700. 399-2088. 1974 HODAKA Combat Wombat 125cc like new.

$300, 834-2465. 1974 YAMAHA Mx, excellent condition After 6 p.m, 746-2618. Shafter. 1976 CB 750. 1975 CR 250 MT.

Call 6 931-3558 Automobiles .72 BARBER USED CARS 1975 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass V8. am-tn tape, beator, automatic transmission. Dune: stem r.a ta. tory BOAt MAKE brakes, power windows, 1: vinyl top. T-top special Horst edition car.

less tat 18.000 miles. 145 MSM OFFER 1972 FORD Thunderbird V8. am-tm radio. heater, automatic transmissior. ponut steering.

factory 3 1 MAKE 575 Dower EVA. brakes. power windows. pc wor seat. tires.

special pa viny! top OFFER 1976 PONTIAC Trans-AM Ve. am-fm tape. heater. transmission. pomer fest 3' Code MAKE brakos, purer cons.

te wail fire: honevcomt wore less than 6.000 861 PO OFFER 1974 PONTIAC Formula MAKE V6. am-tm radio. neater. automatic DUAL tau 3 power rally wheels. less than 23 CO0 miles.

537 OFFER 1974 PONTIAC Grand Prix V8. neater, automatic transmission. power steering factor, au, MAKE brakos. power miles windows. power seat.

whitewall tires. tilt wheel, cruise control, top. only 34.000 GES vinyl OFFER 1975 OLDS Cutlass MAKE V8. radio, heater, automatic brakes. power windows.

vinyl top. less than 25.000 power miles. stouting, 641 LEY lactory Done: OFFER 1974 AUDI FOX MAKE 4-cylinder, amn-fin radio. heater. m.

faster, a. was than 15.009 miles. 009 GWR OFFER 2-dour. 1975 CHEVY Nova MAKE 0-cHinder. radio, neater.

automatic trans poact stretng factor, air. 15 24 000 159 MAPK. OFFER 1975 MERCURY Montego MAKE WAGON. V8. radio.

hoater, automatic transmission power brakes. whitewall tiros. 904 NVS. Coher steering factor, OFFER V8. 1973 am-1m CHEVY Monte Carlo MAKE radio, neater, automatic transmission.

powor brakes, power windows. vinyl top. bucket suats 441 HF2 stuormy. tuctory dir OFFER BARBER PONTIAC Goodwill USED CARS GENERATIONS OF BETTER DEALS AND TRULY FINER SERVICE 500 OAK 327-1776 SALESMAN SPECIAL! Show your clients around in luxury. 1972 Buick Limited, fully loaded, 4-door, air, stereo radio.

$2,600 or best offer. Must sell, CAMARO, 350 V8, 4 barrel, air, mags, 4,000 miles on rebull engine, $1,400 firm. 854-2618 miter 5 p.m. or $54-2352 between FOR SALE, Ford Fairlane. cylinder, 3-speed stick, good body, good engine, good transmission.

240-6145, Lebec. MUST SELL 1976 Olds Cutlass, AM-FM radio, white with blue vinyl top, 8,700 miles, asking $5,600. 031-4497. SPECIAL! 1975 Plymouth Custom Fury, loaded, owner must sell. 11 months old, $4,200, real sharp, 4166.

1962 CHEVY IMPALA. good conditon, good tires, 24,000 miles on engine, 366-4062 or see after 2:30 at 1512 Alta Vista. 1946 FORD FALCON 6-cylinder, automatic, new paint, new interior, good running condition. very cleon, $750. 071-5893.

1966 GTO, excellent condition, tires, overhauled motor, new mission, new paint, good interior, 41,200. 324-8394. 1968 MERCURY Colony Park St8tion Wagon, new tires, new paint, in excellent running condition, $800, 831-3336. 1971 DODGE DART, V8, automatic, power steering, air, vinyl roof, bucket seats with console. Call after 6 p.m., 834-0229.

1972 DODGE CHARGER, 218, auto1972 DODGE CHARGER, 318, autolactory air, Michelin fires, mag wheels, 325-1821. 1972 FIREBIRD, new upholstery, new tires, fairly new paint job, low mileage, $3,450 or best offer, 0968. 1973 PINTO WAGON Gold, air, speed. stereo, 37,000 mlles. Wett-maintained.

See at 3101 Doris Lane or call 832-2470. 1975 FORD Elite, many extras, tape deck and cruise control Included. Price $4.650. Phone 3444. 1975 PLY MOUTH VALIANT Broug: ham, 4-door, small V8 with good economy, very good condition.

Askin9 $4,000. 871-1739. 1976 OLDS. Cutlass S. Must sell.

Blue with white vinyl top. 350, automatic, air conditioning, radio. $5,500 366-6932 toaded CADILLAC COUPE, Michelins. 1975, fully plus Mint conditon, 327-5161, ask for Russ. CLEAN 1972 Chevy Impala.

Excel. lent condition. 46,000 miles. Must sell. $1,850.

Call 324-7892. DODGE DART, 1974. Excellent condition. 2-door, $2.800. 746 6019, Shafter.

FOR SALE 1966 Plymouth. Threespeed, good running condition. $350 or best offer. 831-5533. MUST SELLI 1975 Monte Carto, midnight blue, excellent condition, $4,200.

034-4097. PONTIAC GTO, 1966, super clean end original. New tires, battery and tune up. $795. 831-5497.

1961 THUNDERBIRD, runs good, 1114 Jefferson Apt. 325-8063 after 3 p.m. 1965 MUSTANG, VB, 289, 3-speed. Engine needs work. See at 1906 18th Street Apt.

26. Make offer. 1965 OLDS F-85, factory alr, power steering. brakes. 2414 Alturas Drive.

1966 CHEVY MALIBU, 327, chrome rims. diamond tuck interior, $500. 393-1044. 1966 FORD GALAXIE 2-door hardtop, good tires, new battery, runs good. $350.

323-5589. 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville New vinyl top, new point, excellent runnino condition. $495. Call 871-1217. 1967 CAMARO, less engine and transmission.

Also Dune Buggy. 324-0601. 1967 CAMARO, newly redone inside and out, mag wheels, $1,500 or best offer. 822-4524, Tehachapl. 1967 DODGE CORNET, real sharp.

Accept any reasonable offer. 4818 days, 832-9790 evenings. 1968 DODGE Dart, 6-cylinder, door, automatic, air, one-owner. After 4 p.m., 758-3440, Wasco. 1969 MUSTANG 428 Cobra, air, posi-traction, 4-speed, $1,600.

834- 3984. 1969 PONTIAC TEMPEST, 350 automatic, new radiator and shocks, $1,350. 871-8380. 1969 PONTIAC TEMPEST, 350 automatic, radiator and shocks, $1,350. 871-8380.

1970 CADILLAC. $1,000 or best offer, 324-5176. After 6 p.m. call 399- 8269. 1970 DUSTER 340, 4-speed, new tires, new clutch, $1,200 or trade.

324-4358. 1970 MUSTANG, low mileage, new transmission, full power, air. 2065. 1970 PONTIAC Grand Prix, 'very good condition, $1,400 or best offer. 323-7100 or 393-6788.

3118 Union. 1971 FORD Pinto, 4-cylinder, speed, radio. Moving, must sell. 822-3874, Tehachapi. 1971 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, 318 2-door, $750, cash or best offer.

1417 Antonia Way, 833-9637. 1972 CHEVY IMPALA best offer over low blue book takes. Call 832- 1853 after 5 p.m. 1972. COUGAR XR7, 19,000 miles, fully loaded, excellent condition.

725-3656, Delano. 1972 PINTO Runabout, air conditioning, chrome wheels, good condiNon. 366-6475. 1973 VEGA, 4-speed, air, has blown engine. Sell to highest bidder.

Call weekdays. 872-2344. 1974 CUTLASS V8, automatic. full power, factory air, mags, $3,400. 322-3847, after 5 p.m.

1974 CHEVY Laguna, quad. Mags. Cherry condition. For infor- motion, 832-2733, 327-1414. 1974 EL DORADO 324-6081 or 399-0739 Automobiles 72 7657.

1975 PONTIAC. Automatic, power steering, brakes, 10,000 miles, 031-1911. 1976 excellent MERCURY condition, $5,950. Cougar XR7. 393-2681 after 6 p.m.

CLEAN 1969 Mustang Mach 1 with side pipes and wire mags. 313-5357. MUST SELL: 1971. Vega, 1340 Castalc, MUST SELL 1974 Chev. Caprice, lots of extras, Best offer.

589-9615. 1964 PONTIAC Catalina, as is, $100. 1004 Priscilla. 1965 Ible, GALAXIE FORD 390, or best offer. 322-0795.

1966 FORD, fair condition, $300; 393-6777. 1966 MUSTANG, air, good condition. $700 cash. 366-5829. 1966 PONTIAC Tempest, $250.

33 3869, 1967 CAD Coupe De Ville, A-1 conditon, $875: 366-3464. 1967 FORD 4-door. Call after p.m., 032-6951. 1967 -BIRD. Loaded, all power, new tires.

393-6783. 1968 MERCURY Cougar XR-7, very good condition. $850, 366-3624. 1969 FORD Galaxie 500, $400 or best offer. 323-1791.

1969 FORD XL, 429, needs work. Best offer, 834-1238. 1969 LTD, $1,000. Real good condition. 70,000 miles.

324-4302. 1969 OLDS CUTLASS, 2-door hard. top. $900. 393-5840.

1970 AMBASSADOR. As 1s, $300. 324-4896. 1970 FORD LTD, $350, needs body work. 831-4130.

1970 GREMLIN, 6-cylinder. Good condition, $850, 831-4109. 1970 MUSTANG Grande, V8, air, super sharp, $2,150. 323-9836. 1970 MAVERICK, clean, low mileage, good rubber, $1,200, 872-3787.

1971 CONTINENTAL, full power, $2,200. Call 589-0310. 1972 BOSS PINTO, $1,600. Extras. 833-8341.

1972 PINTO Station wagon. 366-3596 1974 CAMARO LT, maroon, full power, air, $4,150. 323-9836. 1974 DUSTER loaded, must see, make offer, must sell! 325-8127. 1974 PINTO, automatic, 30,000 miles, $1,995.

831-6649. 1974 PINTO, sharp, 4-speed, vinyl top, radial tires. $1,995. 871-0281. 1974 VEGA GT air, automatic, lye wheels, $2,200.

Call 831-0983. 1975 COUGAR XR-7, low mileage, excellent condition, $5,350, Sports- -Foreign Automobiles 13 1974 FIAT 128, 4-door sedan, radio, with heater, 4-speed, a real gas saver an exceptionally comfortable price. Try it, you'll like 11. 736 JNJ. $2,199.

BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 1973 TOYOTA CARONA, radio, heater, automatic transmission, factory air, sharp, tow mites. 950 HHR, $2,699. BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 GREAT FOR RESTORING 1959 PORSCHE COUPE, needs body work, new engine, $1,500. Call 366-5233 after 6 p.m. All day ends.

1974 DATSUN Station Wagon 710. $2,650. Can be seen at 4300 East Brundage Lane, in Mobile Home Park. 366-3476 or 325-5960. 1974 MGB.

roil bar. Tonneau cover, am-tm, wire wheels, recent up, fow mileage. Must sell. 746-6021, Shafter. 1975 TOYOTA Corolla Wagon E-5, like new, air conditioning, wood grain, luggage rack, low mileage, 325-8168.

1975 VOLKSWAGEN van, tactory air conditioning, automatic trans mission. in perfect condition. 393- 1131. FOR SALE: 1956 MGA. Good condifion.

Excellent hobby car, 725-2302, Delano after 5. MUST SELL: 1972 VW Super Beetie, new engine, radial stock tires. Best offer, 834-1274. READY TO DEAL, 1974 Audi Fox, anything above $3,000. 322-4201, ask for Mark.

1960 PORSCHE Super 1600 Roadster, all now, excellent condition. 872-2804. 1969 ALFA ROMEO Berlina, air, $2,125 or 1961 Alfa Coupe, 714-375-2028, Ridgecrest. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Ghia, $850. Inquire at 4040 Ming, Suite or phone 834-1650.

1970 FIAT miles, good tires, $1.100 or best offer. Call 871. $172 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, new paint, tires, 1700 engine, excellent condition, $1,195. 323-0821. 1971 CAPRI.

Clean, radio, air, 000 miles. Excellent condition, 832-3797. Ask for Sara. 1971 CAPRI 4-speed, good condltion, $1,350. Call before 871-1307, after 5 861-2083.

1971 TOYOTA Corona Mark wagon, excellent condition, loaded. 325-0001. 1971 VW SUPER Beetle. new motor, new clutch. new shocks.

$1,200. 845-3925 or 399-35 14 after 6. 1973 FIAT 124 Spyder, air, mags, and radials, $2,900. Call Dave, 327- 3071 or 871-0512. 1975 VOLVO station wagon, clean, average mileage, air, leather interlor, $5,700.

Call Wasco, 758-3547. VW VAN, bed. icebox. $1,095 or best offer. 366-5286.

1965 DATSUN Fairlady, $600 834-5953 1968 FIAT 850 Spyder, mags, needs some 834-5746. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, $950; 325-9976. 1969 VOLVO Station Wagon, $1,000. 832-9525. 1970 TOYOTA wagon, 4-spced.

now tires. runs good. $1,095. 833-8713. Automobiles 72 '70 Malibu Air, 881 BML.

landau, automatic, 'sharp. $1,699 '68 Riviera 789 CTB. Landau, automatic, arr, machme. 1,599 '72 Grand Prix Power landau, "extra windows, nice." brakes. 977 ESG.

air, automatic. 2,699 '67 Ford Pickup V20978. 3-speed, over drive. "priced to 1,899 '73 Mustang Power many sun extras." root, 101 RCR. am-tm, ant, automatic.

3,999 '76 Nova 841 PJW. Four -door. air, automatic, "extra clean 3,699 '76 Pinto Runabout 966 PHF. Four -speed, landau, am-fm, low miles. 2,999 '75 Pontiac Ventura 492 MEL.

Extra clean, air, automatic, many extras. 3,799 '71 El Camino Rallye "priced to wheels, sell." landau, air, automatic, 2,999 '72 T-Bird Full MERVAU. power, landau, strap. 3,299 BIRCHFIELD 27th CHESTER 325-7479 Open 'til 9 325-7359 1974 Automobiles 13 VOLKSWAGEN 412 WAGON, radio, heater, automatic sion, factory air, low miles, excepfionally cican. 825 LNA, $3,299.

BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 327-3792 1971 VOLKSWAGEN, $1,000. 324-6177 1972 240 Z. Air, 4-spced. good condl. tion, $4,000.

631-0315. 1973 FIAT, 2-door, 128 Sedan, 39,000 miles, $1.000, or best offer, 399-1624. 1973 SUPER BEETLE, sunroof, radio, air, $2,000. 366-3363. 1974 MAZDA RX-4 station wagon.

$3,375, 323-9372. 1975 PORSCHE, 914 1,8, I stereo tape, low mileage, 832-5342. 1976 CORVETTE, loaded. $8,800 or offer. 325-7030, 399-9301.

Trucks 74 CHEVY, 4-wheel drive, flatbed, stock racks, Warren hubs, P.T.O., new brakes, shackle bolts replaced, front and rear, new dual exhaust, new clutch and pressure plate, rubber good, needs motor. Over $1,700 in It. Best offer over $700. Saturday after 3 p.m., all day Sunday and Monday, 366-3671. 1969 WHITE FREIGHTLINER tractor, 3-axle, 335 Cummins engine, Jake brake, 10-22 rubber, air conditioning, excellent condition.

40' flatbed trailer outside frame will sell tractor separately but not trailer, $14,500. Call for appoint. ment, 327-9101. 1974 FORD RANCHERO GT, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power storing, factory air, power brakos, exceptionally clean, low miles, must see to appreciate. 96744R, $3,999.

BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 TWO 1976 FORD F350. 390 V8, flatbed, 10,000 GVW, power steering, optional axle, 60-amp. alternator. Extra cooling. 70-amp.

battery, auxitiary springs, two side gas tanks, excellent condition, make offer. 831-2114. 1975 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE, long wheel base, 350, V8, automatic, power air conditioning, Barden bumper, new tires. deluxe cab. 366-8946 after p.m.

Sunday, anytime Monday, Tuesday. 1976 DODGE Camper Special er shell and custom boot with st Ing window. Take over payments. and cassette, alr A conditioning, pickup, duel tanks, AM-FM radio power steering, disc brakes, camp 366-7486. 1972 CHEVROLET pickup, 350 V8, power steering, power brakes, refrigeration.

WIth 8' cabover er. Less than 27,000 miles. Cali be. fore 3:30 weekdays, 768-4368, McKittrick. 1974 DATSUN PICKUP, radio, heater, 4-speed transmission, factoair, low miles, like new.

61534U, $3, 199. BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 DOUBLE WINCH A-frome truck for yard or lease work, not licensed for highway, lifting capacity 9 to 10- ton, $3,500. Call for appointment, 327-9101. 1970 FORD PICKUP. V8 360 motor, with camper shell, automatic mission, good shape, good tires, $2,200.

Wifhout camper $2.000. Sec at 3307 Pioneer Drive, Apt. 5. 1973 MAZDA B1600 PICKUP, 4- cylinder, radio, heater, factory air, low miles and sharp. 3191W.

$2.599. BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 1973 TOYOTA PICKUP, radio. heater, 4-speed transmission, hitch bumper. 56893V, $2.499. BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 1030 Oak 327-3797 VAN CONVERSION, 1973 Ford, many extras, top condition, 832-2930.

1968 FORD RANGER pickup, with tool carrier. 1965 Buick Special. 393- 5053. 1968 WHITE single axte diesel dump truck. 213-349-8867, Northridge.

1970 INTERNATIONAL Diesel, 5 power steering, 26' roll back, 213-349-8867, Northridge. 1972 FORD 2-ton, 18' bed, 2-speed axle, CB and radio, stereo, excel. lent condition, 334-7247. 1973 FORD COURIER, new paint, brakes, excellent condition $1,900. 399-5342.

1974 DATSUN PICKUP, excellent running condition, low mileage. Call after 5, 832-3351. 1975 BMC Van. Short wheel base, heavy duty equipment. 350, 3-speed.

$4,000. 871-9661. 1975 CHEVY VAN, call fully customized, custom paint, after p.m. 323-0081. 1975 FORD Courier, near new condition, low mileage, alr, camper shell, $3.595.

Call 399-0097. 1976 EL CAMINO, power windows, tilt wheel, Railye wheels, super clean. 323-2859. 1976 TOYOTA, long bed, automatic transmission, factory air ing, 3.000 miles. 393-1131.

FORD pickup, 292 engine, $400. See at 2414 Edison Highway. 3-TON, 6-cylinder, 1957 Chevy, good condition. 366-3144. Automobiles 72 1966 CHEVY pickup, with camper shell.

Short, wide bed. Factory air, automatic, barden bumper. $1,250. 399-9219. 1967 FREIGHTLINER, 2 axle tractor, 1974 4x4 318 with air conditioning.

Has Detroit engine. $7,800. 845- 1316, after 6 p.m. call 832-2331. 1968 Detroit FREIGHTLINER, 2 axle, 318 diesel, recent overhaul, $7,600.

One set 24' Fruehaut trailers with potato boxes, $4,500, 071-4361. 1969 CHEVROLET 3-speed, condition, $1,495. 6022 State Rd. off Olive Dr. Fwy.

99. 1971 FORD ton pickup, RANGER XLT, automatic, air, sliding dow, saddle tanks, chrome spoke wheels, new tires, $3,000. 834-3189. 1971 INTERNATIONAL LALL: Excellent condition, like new Interior, new tires, lots of extras. Call 871-7655 or 309-7017.

1974 FORD COURIER, small up, and low mileage, air conditioning, heavy duty rear bumper. Easy to finance. 366-5064. 1974 GMC VAN, low mileage, carpet, high back seats. Side and bubbie top windows, paneled, paint and tires all new.

Call 871-8505. alr 1975 VOLKSWAGEN Van, factory mission, conditioning, automatic in perfect condition. 393- 1131. BROCKWAY 1973 Single axle tor, 250 Cummings 5 and 2, 213-349-8867, Northridge. FOR SALE School Bus.

1946 Dodge runs very good $650 or make offer. 2413 Edwards Ave. MUST SELL 1975 Datsun. One owner, low mileage. Excellent condition, $2,900, 832-8897.

VAN: 1966 Ford Econoline, 399-6167 1955 DODGE 4-YARD dump truck, runs well, good shape. $750. 6965. 1956 GMC, flatbed 5-speed, V8. Good truck.

Lic. F67518; 393-2811. 1957 CHEVY PICKUP, 5400. 589. 0637.

1963 STUDEBAKER ex- U.S. mail van, $700 or equal trade. 834-7581. 1964 FORD pickup. 293.

$800 or best offer. 833-1361. 1965 EL CAMINO, good condition, camper shell. 871-9549. 1967 FORD Camper Special, new engine, 323-1639 or 833-8312.

1969 FORD PICKUP. Air, automat. Ic, long bed, Immaculate, 832-1774. 1972 CHEVY 1-ton, with 1968 Lincoln Welder. 399-6707.

1973 DATSUN PICKUP, air, radial tires, unusually nice. Call 399-7914. 235 6-cylinder short block. $15. 393-0611.

4-Wheel Drives 75 Must Sell 1972 JEEP 304 V8, 29,000 miles, full cage roll bar, Warren hubs, Tru-Trac tires, canvas top. $3,100 322-4583 TON CHEVY, 4-wheel drive. flatbed, stock racks, Warren hubs, PTO, now brakes, shackle bolts replaced; front and rear, new dual exhaust, new clutch and pressure plate. Rubber good. Needs motor.

Over $1,700 in it. Best offer over 5700. Saturday after 3 p.m., all day Sunday and Monday, 366-3671. 1973 FORD F250 4x4, automatic. air.

power, auxiliary gas tank, Warren electric winch with 1970 Travette, 9' Cabover camper. Boot, lacks; toilet, retrigerator, $6,500 will sell separately. 831-5559. 1972 CHEVY pickup. 4X4.

350 engine, automatic transmission, power steering. air conditioning, many other extras. 822-4067, chapi. 1974 CHEVY 4-wheel drive truck, automatic wim power steering, air conditioning. Four brand new fires.

Extra set of tires and wheels. $5,000. Call 834-3692. EXCLUSIVE NEW "HIDE.A: WAY' hitch for 4-wheelers and Corvettes. Ted's Custom Welding, 1302 Chamberlain, 325-6826 SIERRA TRAIL 6 wheel, all terrain vehicle with trailer.

New engine. Reasonable After 5. 3351. 1966 Volkswagen White spoked wheel. big tires, good condition.

1308 Falcon. 831-1952. Must see! 1974 INTERNATIONAL pickup, 4- ton, 4-wheel drive, radio, heater. automatic, extra tank and utility box. $4,000.

589-9250, 6-5 weekdays. BEAUTIFUL 1976 Chevy stepside. everything chrome. loaded. 831-8061 or 831-3158.

1966 FORD BRONCO, shape, 366-8945 after 4 p.m. Sunday, time Monday, Tuesday. 1971 BRONCO, air, dual tanes. new Tracks, custom paint. Call 5842.

Automobiles 72 SELECTION, QUALITY THE RIGHT PRICE 1972 CHEVY Kingswood Wagon power brakes, root rack. 950 EED. Estate, V8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, factory air. $1,999 1973 CHEVY Malibu 4-door, V8, radio, heater, automatic trans. brakes.

598 HZV. mission, power steering, factory air, power 2,599 1973 CHEVY Impala. Station Wagon V8. radio, heater, automatic transmission, vinyl top. 452 LEO.

power brakes. power steering, factory 2,999 1974 CHEVY Malibu power brakes. vinyl top. 452 LEO. Classic Coupe, V8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering.

Inctory air. 3,499 1976 CHEVY Nova 4-door, V8, radio. heuter, automatic trans brakes, tilt wheel. 481 LID. mission, power steering, factory Air, power 3,699 1974 CHEVY Monte Carlo er, automatic transmission, power steering.

tactory wheels. Landau, air, 014 V8, LFE. power radio, brakes, tilt stereo wheel, tape. Rallye heat- 3,999 1975 CHEVY Nova 4-door, V8. radio, heater, automatic trans brakes.

492 NMX. mission, power steering. factory air, power 4,199 1975 CHEVY Monte Carlo V8, radio, hoster, automatic transmission, mag wheels, vinyl top. 439 LUN power steering. lactory air, power brakes.

4,699 1975 CHEVY Silverado fuel tank. 026 442. brakos, Pickup, mission, V8. short power radio, wide steering. bod.

heater, till factory wheel, automatic air, auxsliary power 4,999 1975 CHEVY Monte Carlo V8. radio, heater, automatic transmission, vinyl top. 216 NAl. power storing, lactory air. power brakes, windows.

tilt whool. Turbine wheels, 5,699 SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE PRICES 800D 7 DAYS THREE-WAY CHEVROLET OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10, ALL DAY SAT. SUN. 3800 California 322-3929 Go-Karts 1976 HONDA CR-125 Eisinore, like new, leathers and boots. 031-8832.

1976 HONDA 750, with extras, low mileage, $1,750, 034-0516. 35-FOOT Cabin Cruiser, twin Chrysler 318's, AM radio VHF radio depth finder bait Fully equipped, excellent condition. Will trade for acres with water. See Carl, Tent City Surplus, 409 California 14-FOOT Glasspar with 70-hp cury outboard and American trailer. All equipped and ready to run, $1,200 or bast otter.

831-4586. 15-FOOT fiberglass boot, 50-HP, Evinrude startor generator, electronic Ignition, $795. Will trade. 1520 18th Street. 1976 SOUTHWIND, 18-11.

2-in. let. 460 Ford, custom fandom used very little, small equity. 031. 1657.

1976 19-FOOT Miller jet, 460cc with Bassett headers, deluxe tandem trailer, custom cover, $5,700 or best offer. 834-1220. 21' DAY CRUISER, 455 Olds gine, jacuzzi let, custom boat cover, custom tandem trailer, 2185, BASSETT headers, water injected, brand new, never been used, $325. 834-4219, after 6. CUSTOM KONA let.

Big block Chevy, Bassett headers, tandem axle traller. 834-3851. 15' SEA KING, Mark 75 Mercury motor, factory trailer, $675. 071. 4361.

1975 TAHAITI, 135 Johnson, bullt-in 20-gallon tank, custom interior, 53,700, 393-6031. 23-FOOT Cabin Cruiser Marine Inboard with trailer. Needs to be assembled. $1,500. 366-2154.

BOAT AND Trailer, $100. 792-2383, McFarland, after 5. 12-FT. ELGIN aluminum boat. 714- hp Evinrude, extras, $325.

871-1021. Airplanes 86 LEARN TO FLY in new, modern, low wing Beechcraft Sundowners. Private through ATP. Bank financino available, Sierra Flite Service. 399-2993.

Boats and Equipment SHAFTER 1976 Model Clearnce BIG DISCOUNTS 233 CENTRAL. Shafter, 746-2660 Oil and Mining 90 100. TO 10,000 BARRELS capacity bolted tanks, Heavy EquipmentMachinery CLARK forklift, 4,000 solid tire, 1965. Good condition. $2,950 393-2011.

FOUR COMPARTMENT fuel hoses deliv. tank, and reels. 373-2059. model MUST SELL: Wayne sweeper, 554, and trailer. Reasonable.

Shatter. WANTED: Box scraper with mod hitch for Case tractor. 022-4634. Tehachapf. 3600 INTERNATIONAL Backhoe.

For information, call 327-9171. After 3, 832-7782. PETTIBONE 204A (1970) 20M 16. 24 ply tires, $19,500. (213) 426-9387.

Farm Equipment 94 KERN COUNTY Equipment Company chopping block Sale includes approx. $1.5 million worth of equipment consisting of: Farm, construction, material handling and tires. Prices dropped every two weeks, phone for complete bro chure (805) 324-9671. farm FARMERS! Don't Invest In costly equipment. Have your farm custom farmed.

Discing. plowing. ripping, etc. Reasonable rates. Call 845-2708.

FORD 8000, 2,600 hours, $6,800. Land plane 60' with 15' bucket, 2 Ford 6000, $2,200 each. Husky No. 33 road grader, $400: 323-4945. HAVE EQUIPMENT, need work elect.

Custom Plus farming, discing, plowing. all types of grape equipment available, Call evenings, 845. 0582. 10,000 AND 5,000 gallon under. ground tanks, gas free and coated.

182 per gallon, firm. 9500 Rosedale 509-0733. FOR SALE Two 422's. excellent condition, and extras. 834-2615, 6191.

THREE ROOD cotton scrappers with baskets, one without, all for $1,500. Call 845-0582 evenings. ALUMINUM SPRINKLER pipe for lease. Reasonable rates. 393-5066.

FORD 3-bottom plow $450. 323-4945 Building Material 96 289 FORD. Complete. Rebulldablo engine. 393-0611.

CALIFORNIAN CLASSIFIED ADS BRING FAST RESULTS PHONE 323-7631 Automobiles Automobiles 77 Take look 1972 Chrysler Newport Fordor. V8. radio, heater. autoing. factory transmission, air.

power steer. whitewall tires. P1594. 552 EVR power brakes. $1,499 1972 Ford Custom 500 Fordor V8.

radio. heater. automatic transmission, power steering. wall tires P1464. 219 DXZ factory air.

power brakes. white. 1,899 1975 Ford Granada Tudor V8. radio, heater, automatic transmission. power steering.

roof. P1617. 747 MOR factory air, power brakes, vinyl 4,399 1970 Ford Galaxie 500 Fordor, V8. radio, heater, automatic transmission, steering, vinyl roof. factory P1577.

air. 156 power AVJ. brakes. 1,299 1972 Pinto Wagon 4-cylinder, radio, heater, 4. speed transmission, factory air.

907 FGX. whitewall tires, roof rack. P1496, 1,999 1972 Ford Country Squire Wagon, V8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, factory air, power brakes, EUM whitewall tires, roof rack. 277 2,399 1972 Pontiac Grand Prix SJ V8. am-im stereo, heater, matic transmission.

power steering, factory air, power brakes. vinyl roof. whitewall tires, tilt 783 JOI wheel, cruise control. P1546. 3,299 1973 Chevy Monte Carlo V8.

radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering. factory air, power brakes, whitewall tires, vinyl roof. P1559, 108 FMX 2,999 1973 Ford F-100 With Shell, V8, radio, heater, 35508P automatic transmission. T1522, 3,699 1968 Ford F-100 V8. radio.

heater, automatic factory air. T1612. 04151K transmission, power steering. 2,099 Ford FORD.

The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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