Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

D12 Austin American-Statesman Tuesday, November 21, 1989 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE -MERCHANDISE -MERCHANDISE -MERCHANDISE -MERCHANDISE 6150 6030 Bicycles, Repair 6010 Antiques, Art Objects 6000 Auction Salei 6020 Appliance! 5500 Sale 60S0 Motor 6120 Cameras, Photo Supplies 6150 Computers, EDP Equipment 5600 Part Time Opportunities WHIRLPOOL FROSTFREE REFRIGERATOR Exce-ent 52-6790 inDiVOual WANTS to buy refrigerator Need not be working oui must ioqk gooa ao-SM'i SEARS ENMORE heavy duty washer and dryer. Tnree years oia Aimona. Electric $475 pair. 251-2227. Leave message KENMORE ELECTRIC DRYER White Dependable, $8C 327- 1588.

HOTPOiNT NO frost refrigerator, almond color. Three years old. with icemaker, excellent condition, like new. $450. MCROWAVE.

SHiiP. Excellent con-diton. rr edium size cou-ntertop mode! $25-c'ter 451-1026 Refrigerators Stoves $'75 $275 928-3505 Gas dfyer range, refrigerator, a conditioners ADMIRAL MAGIC Chef refrigerator with refreshment center, black. $895best o'fer Must sell 467-6140. EiECTROlUX DISCOVERY I.

UDr.gnt vacuum with attachments Brand new conotion 1 75. sacrifice 472-6650 KRdV HERITAGE vacuum cleaner ln-credibie suc'icn power Hardiyused Sdcnfice. $275. 472-6650, leave message GAS RANGE, two 30'" $150 00. one portable dshwasher $5000 Call 835-9412 or 345-6997 BUILT-IN Electnc Double Oven harvest gold.

Good working order. $75 836-9533. NICE WASHER, $125, dryer $95 Like new refngetdtor. 150 Good freezer. $15: 19" color TV.

$60 Anytime weekends, after 5 00 weekdays. 280-1145 EtECTRC DRYER Excellent conation $200 928-4765 RANGE, dishwosher and hood $50. Oven element out 837-5958 BEAUTIFUL ANTiQUE Chambers stove. Blue enamel an parts, very ciean $650 442-3015 KENMORE WASHERDrye: Both Work perfectly. $150 412-3407 WASHER, DRVER.

k.tchen stove. S65 00 each $75 Pickup toolbox $50 00 Frank. 276-7724 THREE REFRIGERATORS Green, gold, ainiond G'eat condition' 2 sce-oy-S'des. Icemaker. $200-5275 453-7575.

339-6C12. WANTED Working or not. refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, ft stoves. 836-0720 SiDt-BY-SlDE REFRIGERATOR 20cf Aim.ona CCor. Works perfect.

$230. 442-3407 DRYER GE hotpomt large edpa-aty 3 cvcies. 3 temperatures, dependdbte. good condition $75 339-6204 ELECTiC COOK'TOP with Tefion gritl unu uvuwi, exceneni conunion. $95 negotiqple 446-2672 DRAFTING TABLE 5' so'd walnut with 42" parallel bar and vinyl iop.

$250. Chair, $50. Fiorescent light, 550. Mott. 263-3373 KENMORE GAS DRYER White.

$125 ALMOND GAS STOVE w-'h ele; sart Perfect conation with contract. $275 250-1930 GE WASncP Af-O GAS DRYER yea's excesent $650 35-2766 ChESt FREEZER 13 dcuft. ke new. $175 18 000 BTU Kerosene hea'er extra fuei can. S75.

892-57 14. a'te. 5 00pm 18CUFT GOLD retnge'uior with ice maker Kitchenaid dishwashei. $175 each 331-4UUJ. SEARS KENMORE 30" Avocddo Rdnge ojs cleaning even $75 44-1838 ADMal.

large-ca- pdcity works looks great 560 ot best 935-4343 REFRIGERATOR FROST-free Whirlpool. $250- Wasner-Kenmore Large capacity $100 Dryer-enmoie 634-9757 FOR SALE Matcned Kenmo'e Washer ana Dryer Excellent conai-tion. $250. 258-0611 Whirlpool Chest Freezer 18cuft line few- $200 6030 Bicycles, Repair FwUn luu BtCvCctS 2 bay's. 2 g.s co*k 255-5410 BMX BIKE FREE AGEUT 20 race ready.

eceHem cond'tion $350 Ca' 255-540 BMX Bike parts frame, fork. hubs, bars, corner, stand Co' 255-540 MOUNTAIN BiKE Rocknopper. Many accessories Fine components Excellent conation $430 Offer 346-5067 BOv 20 nuFFy 6.E Good cond'en $35 477-9625 evenngs oa weee MOUNT Excei'erM Rj'e'af: cond'-wi. $2 '5 Afte' 4pm. 250 -5c 24 1968 OMENi Diamond Bacn ifsp-d 18' chromoly frame.

Srnmarto detans excellent condition, asking $200 Guy. 441-Q62S PEJGEOT SPORT Mens tOsod Mistral car, toe cups, Vetto professional w.nd trainer inciudea. S250. MENS SCHWiNN 12spd MENS SCHWirJN lOspd 444 0335 S10C $7: MENS 27 'Ospa. womens 26 5spd 24" 3spd.

boys and girls 20 Ah good cor.dl.or., S16-S30 1-295-5-14 LADIES SChwin 27', lOsoeed Needs ies ond brake tuneup $50 casn leave messpge RALEIGH SUFER Couise 10spd Meris BiCycie few tan person. 5100 476-7038 1969 GRArD RECORD Sh-mario 105's. only oden once $350 Can 990-230 5 1-SFD v'-icn. Coppi $35 $25 Sears, fterrtaie S35 Roaamaj'er. (tenioiei.

$20 7-0079 WOMEN'S 10spd BIKE $90 LIKE NEW. 459-7118. lADiES 12-SPtFD Br ana new, used twice $85 836 5765. ADJLT 12SPD Shogun We WMe witn red trim Ridden twice $125 or oest Qtfer 328-2641 MOUNTAIN A-op ana Co. 454-3C BiKE 18" Humer new $275 PirjAtLtO TRACK Fumy owe.

Columbus Six. same design as Moser bie W4 fit 52-57cm because of deson Almost riew Must sei. 336-1679 53ViCM MARINONl fiameset. Coluni-bus SL, BB. headset, team issue 69 Beautiful paint job New $540 AWADO PENA Oftg-na' rmxed me-oa pointing Circa 1981 (or sale by private coiectdf.

Showri by op-patnTment 282-2346 yV'tfiDfcct'iG'S "Siumpyriess stgneanumberea, $150 "Nrghime sgnednum-pered. $150. signed only, $125 "Tranquil signed only. $125, ''Evening Radiance', signed oniy. $90.

Perpetudi signed only, $95. "Gift of signed only. $120. "Enduring signed only. $110.

Many others available' 288-6550 5 ANTIQUE CHAIRS 2 captoln's chairs Beautifully carved ExceBent condition! $395 692-6213 IVORY Scrimshow art p-eces. collectors iems. love seat cna. rapid trie captnet. knc-knacks, cai-tecnaes 232-2369 NAVAJO RUG Ganaao Very tore dno for condition, age.

size $3000. Terms. 268-3363. 441-3175. SIGNED dnd numbered prints from tne John Connolly collection.

$155 eacn 33S-9278, evenings. LOOmNG FOR HARVEV Original paintings Also, selling conector, of prints. S50 REPLACE MANGLE Crafted wood with prominent groin and rntricdfe lathe work $1000 339-7209 PORPtSiO SALtNAS 1st edition 10 parted plate 1952. excellent bcrgom.ra-e find. $200.

1-863-7353. igeorgerown ANTIQUE BUFFET For sale $150. 454-8834. ANTIQUE ROLLTOP DESK And Swivel chair. $1000best otter.

4599276 FOUS AMSJE POJCELAIN SIGNS S100 EACH 264-2869 ANTIME PIECE Antique Oak bed-oom set. oood conaition, $450of best otter S'ewart 478-4441 6020 Appliances SAVE Reconditioned Appliances "Best Selection Prices In Town" Over 150 Refrigerators, Freezers. Washers. Dryers Stoves. MANY LIKE NEW1 Gean Guaranteed Free Delivery Visd fk Master Card Accepted Dependable Appliances Rundberg M5 (behind Exxon'i 836-0720 We Do Service Calls Toe APPLIANCE EXCHANGE Cleanest Appnances Lowest prices Best Warranty Free Delivery 8235 Lamar.

837-9887 Buying Appliances WorkingNot RECONDITIONED DISHWASHERS Fine Selection Ad Brands. A Colors. 6mo wotronty 'Visa. MC. we deliver dnd mstdfi Advanced Dishwashers 339-698.

FROST -FREE RetngeratOfs, 90-ddy warranty. Free delivery 2313 Thornton 443-8142. 441-3722 Service ovaiiabie Rebuilt Appliances RefrigeratorsRanges WashersDryersAC'S 6fAj-1 Vr Worranty Financing Avoii APPLIANCE ASSOCIATES 614 ROMERIADR 454-5896 ACROSS FROM DPS OF NORTH LAMAR SSDOLiAR SHORTS Will buy your broken aownused appiidnces Ai.SO SELL used appliances, guaranteed 990-5066 KENMORE DISHWASHER Top Ol dne. purchased from Sears, used 1 month. $300 331-5536 NEW Hotpoint wrvte $414).

Coi 266-5459 between. 30 NCt. ClEAN FROST-FREE revge aror Wotks great JENN-AiRE INDOOR COUNTERTOP BBS FOR SALE 23cuM chest freezer Excellent condition. $250. After 6pm COli 1-352-5395 MuS SELl Washer, aryer refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher ana range Can

9OC-S066 FRtGOA.RE RfRiGERAiOR cros Proof, cUmond. 17cuft. $'5C 45 WJ8 waidi. drye, stove lv set for soie Good condi-tion B35-5515 Aimond Frostfree Refrigerator 2 years old. $275.

250-5164 PORTABLE SINGER sewing machine wrth button hole parts. Works good. Great tor beginner $50 834-1445. GlSSON REFRIGERATOR, less than 1 year Old $225 385-3539 LADY KEWORE WASHER Good conottroni $125 Ate' 5PM. 835-4248 14 CuFt WHIRLPOOL retrge'dtor icemaker 4-veos-oid.

oimond. textured doors, greot condi'iori' $300 272-9100 LADY KENMORE top Of the iine drver, one yeor old, $250. as Col! FOR SALE IBcutt Refrigerator, $250 Also large metal desk, $50 442-7646 30" Whirlpool eiectnc stove White with oiack face, clock, timer Mew $275 250-5859 RUUO 30 Gason iF Gas hoi Ware: Hat er. good condition. $75 FROSTFREE REFRIGERATOR.

Kenmo'e Woser 8 Dryer $75 edch Stove, S75. Diswasner, $75 Guarantee ond aei.vew. 51st ana Blvd Charlie WARDS SIGNATURE f*ckIW 1CuFt fcxceiier.t condition 175 Can after 5pm. 288-5070 CALORIC gas rar.gehO'Oa. am.

ona. 100 Caloric dfthwasne'. aniono 550 Hoffy OOSketbOtt QOO. $30 836-2264 24CUFT SIDE BY S.DE GE WG Clean, exceent cond'tn ice water in aoor $475 479-606S FRIGDAIR ELECTRIC STOVE AVOCADO. 30" $65 304 RErVODEiING' DOJBLF, and magnetic 'nauctiO'.

drop-m range Over $1600 new for oven $200 tor range CLc'-TtiOuUX CARPET SnoiT.iji.oo' -ExceBent wording coroLon Usee tpjf tTTies $100 25t GE REFRIGERATOR. Microwave. $85 Wivif. joi eiectm. drver $60 Kerimore eiectnc aver $2U 260-3069 FiSMER STOVE 24XTJ0' 2-ei 25X32 450lbs 2door.

vent controlled, wood DurmriQ $400 1-295-7391 FROSTfREE $200. Frostfree. $150 Washer. $100, Dryer. $100.

Stove. $100 Freezer. $150 45? 8036 53CM TOMMASO racing frame. Columbus Sl. Celestial Seasoning team issue ee.

new. jjo-idv 62CM MARHMONi Track Be V-tuoi new. team issue 89 Columbus bi. compognoio wheels, beautiful, aii cnamrmgs and cogs $950 338- PANASONC MOUNTAIN bike. LX Hy-pergiide with pump, three months old, $395 or best offer.

Con 331-8554 after 6pm. TREK 900 Mountain bike, 18spa plus criptomte ioc, front light, soddie-bag, cor rack Mint condition Ail tor $2 369-0170. PEUGOT URBAN Express mountain be Good condition. $250 Browning Bush Master Deluxe cornpourtd bow. $400 454-5970 SEARS FREE SPtRiT lOsod Lights Good bike for kid $45.

25B-1377 6050 Boats, Motors (I BRENDELLA Tournament ski boots. Family, 345-6522 AUSTIN OUTBOARD Service -Factory certified mechanlct. Porti, rebuiitiued outboard, boats, trailers, aecesiorlet. Ouaronteed, 263 9737. NEW AND used outboa'ds from 6-200hp with warranty.

Service aH outbodfds and iO's. Austin Action Marine. 263-3448. AAA MARINE SERVICE Winterize now $30. Certited 258-6038 1984 SKEETER Wronaler 15' bass boot.

1984 90HP mariner. wSS Prop, 89 WELLCRAFT 170 Classt hours $500 Take over payments of $195 892-5536 1966 GIASTRON 14' and traier 50np Johnson, needs powerheod. $495 335-3146. after 6 30PM 20' WELLCRAFT Sportfisner V-Hull Dual Console. Loaaedl Excellent condition.

oftei 2S8-3120 FOR SALE 12' JOHN BOAT Like new $150 259-4421 16V CAJUN BOSS Boat 1979. 80hp Mercury engme. Brute trolling motor with PCR 01 Hummingbird depth fmdet, three Nve storage Runs 45-50mph Garage kept offer 990-5074 1972 GLASTAR 14ft V-HuM boat with 85hp Evinrude motor Runs great. Ut trailer, new tires and togs. $800-267-3129 '68 LARSON Voiair 120hp.

needs minor repolr New lower unit tires, and frailer hitch $1500. or best otter. 637-3991. FOR SALE 1964 Sterncraft 16' inboard, 150hp with ski dnd rope. $800.

or best offer. Can be seen at 6910 Lovely lone or caii 442-7268 12hP Sea King, trader, withspoe. troing motor, ba'tery. miscellaneous Casn only. Scott.

258-5445 1968 16' Searay Like new less than 50 hours Tdke Over payments Of $175month. CaH 267-4860. Som- 1974 16' Skiborge bass boat 1974 50 Evinrude, galvanized trailer, troll motor. Iivewel $1995 258-6954 FOR SALE Two 78 model 150hp Evinrude motors for parts Two 1i5hp rebuilt heads Two aluminum and one stainless steel props. $800 Caii 817-773-0061 14FT BOAT and traner ne trokmg motor, pedestoi seats.

Deomas. current registration. S600 1-321-7062 16 FIBERGLASS Bass Boat Console si earing. Nve well, drive -on trawr, 80hp oood condition. $1300 261-3021.

1973 SEARAY 19' IO $1000 266-1328: 454-6072 1989 Capri 1500: used twice $4000 Or best offer 288-6062 1987 SEA Roy Sorrento 23 open bow. 260 Mercrutser, stdimess steel prop tanaem traderSurge broes S17.800 255-0230 21 GLASTROfM-Carison New 455 Olds wrth Berkley Jet. ttlt tracer new jphastry. Sharp! $3800 331-9697. leave message MOVING MJST Sell 15' Fiberglass bass boat.

Johnson 50HP, tiaiiei, trolling motor. LCR. hve well, extras. 26-iiauu FOR SALE 12 Fiat bottom boat. 7 5 Seahorse motor.

S350. Atler 6pm. 3 1-25 BOATS CARPE'ED. uonoistereo. covers hardware True Fn Boat Seats 3700 CongressPtcnie 442- 2J13 1vB8 17' Chaportai 130 iVerc, open bow, great shape accessories mc'uded Ticnier Musi sew 1986 SEARAY 197 Monaco, open bow.

1760MC. low hours, Super cond.tion Make offer. 258-7771 14 GlASTRON with Johnson 40ho Great for frshmg. tun ana ski' Needs TLC a Borp-n at $299 692-2Q14 1962 TiDECRAFT Wadftfe 17' bass boot 150HP Evinrude. SS p-op 12 24V motor gude.

two Lowrance Haters asking $6250 366-0213 82 WELLCRAFT 160 Bowrrder. ecet-lent condition, ongmol ownei, inboardoutdrive Mdgnum trone' ski packoge, 327-8559, 328-70R6 17' TRi-HULL Fresh 85 Mercury, Drily trailer, bouys. anchor, new bat-tery. no top $1300 335-6572 16' QUACHlTA Serm-Vee Aluminum 25HP Evinrude Trailer, gas tanks, depth finder, extras $850 00 neg (322-9894) 1970 SEAKiNG 16' AkummumBoat Rebmit 20HP Mercury ou'ooaa No $550best offer Joe, 262-5279 1964 16 Ev.rvLiae Trihja ar.a Vj engme with Littte Dude tracer 50 hours on rebuff engme offer 832-8424, home. 255-7043.

work 55HP CHRYSLErv50hp Mercury Outboard powerheaas Complete, running condition No lower units 1st $350 817-939-1568. 1975 16FT Grastrofi fVl 90HP Chrysler ou'board as Ex Iras1 462-1377 Sef-ousoniy: '87 WELLCRAFT 23CHP New S20.00C UW fice. $12 900 338-0063 15FT MVADfR Merely tracer, good sfiace $600 (John) 14' FLATBOTTOM QC-m' And trailer $350 Good condiHon Call 926 3666 39' KAYOT Housebout on LTte 1982, steeps 6 air iwm 60HP Jofvison Out-bodrds. tui: kitchen. bum.

gene'ator ma'ntenance free udion. excellent cor.d'ion. io riorj-'s $22,000 O.igmal owner PC Box 8007. Horseshoe Bay. lexos 766'j-S.

or (6vjyvB---6p 12' JOHNBOAT wiln trai 5hP mo tor, troirig motor, seats, used 3 times $1,200 1-656-7365 BEAUTIFUL 1967 invadei, 16' 140 O. loaded with accessories 60 hours $7700 or $1500 and assume payments 1-285-4774. "A- SPECIAL AUCTION TONIGHT Tuesday, Nov 21, 5700 South Congress Ave Tonight wo have a super selection now merchandise, sold right oft tho wholesalers truck. Holiday gift savings start hero as we soil hand and power tools, ceramics, jewelry, holiday docor and lots of surprises, we'll be soiling over 100 collectible dolls. So here and SAVf tho AUCTION WAY, where YOU sot the price.

Refreshments available. Apache Belle's Auction 5700 South Congress 443-44M Ctema D. Sanders, Auctioneer TXS-7219 6010 Antiques, Art Objects ELGIN ANTIQUE MALL Gooa vartety of quality antiques Open 7 daysweek, Highway 290. Elgin 512-285-5055 Dedie' Spaces Avorigpie. AUSTIN'S FINEST ANTIQUES tWENTV.SEVEN SalbrlM AH tylss and countrtoi.

Top quality. Opn Monday-Saturday Sunday Whit Hankl, 1009 Wtlt STH, 478 2101. JERUSALEM HElSLOOMS and treasures, old and new. Tables, chairs. Jucaica Angels.

5525 Burnet 452-0577. Austin Antique Mall Faed with verv special Christmas gifts Largest selection in Central 10-8 Wea-ThurS. "l0-6 Fn-Mon 459-5900 OPt'jiNG DcCEMBER 1ST AntiQ-je Mail, 1600 west Ben wmte to 85 aeaiers. Deoier space aoing quickly. 459-59X Mark 01 ANTiyUE SECRETARIAL $200.

Large 3-drawer dresser $126. After 5 30pm, 262-0380 OAK TABLE Oa oval mirror. Ceaar cnest. Small spoo' cablet. Very 459-7210.

eveniigs ANTQ'JF DISPLAY cases, several sizes Some oak. Verv nte condi- ftor.i 459-7210. evenings y'eefenas. ANTittuE VANilv dresser and twin oed No mattress. $25 each 244-1432 BUFFETS, trunk, $40.

335-0629. $75 each. 1 steamer Gooa condition. Call iES TELEPHONE and Heating' Stove 2'. vary gooa cor 250-C9c4, Chest and buffet $9C' eochregc'acie 2c.5-2c-59 2 Oil German scenery- 28x20.

$3C eocn 836-0797 HARVEY Cnns'mas "Reflections Yesmdos "I wentierh Century vancning Kary uepo: ibO tx-ceiient price and selection 453-1979. REF'NiSHcO iSGG's oak war-d'ooe. $295. Ornate oak dresser, bevefed rrrror, $295 Small oa por-ior tabte, $75 (2) wair.ut chest of drawers. $-'15 s1.

fi37-J(jj6 6J--k ScDS oi rr-jTcnciQ tv. Har.d- made win wood 2o0 yr oJ strver cypress legs tjeau'Tuit wde $550 326-9134. hOJSE AMiQuES 6530 Bu'net Period Pieces, PNadeiphid highboy, corner Lyppooras. stock-trig Bookco'-os. Desks 53-6355 ANTIQUE OAK Table, buffet, $600 Home, Work, 832-3292 ANTiQut VAHOGANY BUFFET.

$295 33' 473 339-2177, crf'er 5pm nw tnr Tnnt aria ANTiiUE des. tc sea; corftion $7j que on wheels. 1920s (2; WARD'JCJBEi smoll lorge with matcmng dresser Excel-lent condition, $650. 8Q2-4391 LEROY NEMAN senaroph Bucking Bronc Started: numbei 165 ol 30! i0. Onginoi owner Verifiable FMV Sacrifice, $2900.

892-6916 RECENTLV Ava-iabte private collection of Signed G- Harvey artist proofs All rrdmed th glare resistant gloss. T-869-294 for nes end cost KOHxP CAMP3EO. PLAfER PWO For W3 $800or best otter 869-456 ATTiC f.NO! G.d antique weav device Woodmetal. $70070 of'er See to oppreciaTe l-2i 3744 RC. Gornian art wonted Original ana signed lithcaraphs No Sena description and price to.

American-Statesman. Box A276 78767 DUCK Stamp Prints Full set rrvnt condition. $2000 339-7951. gftpr 6prr, OR4NTAL RJG iTKo-Crriese 9x2. h-atamoae.

ife $800cash. REFiUSnED oa. cr.Oi.s. desk, draw leaf table Leave n'jme dnd number WH return call iC4-5352 COUNTRY CHARM ElECTRIC STOVE white enamel, black cast iron, $500 250-0859 BEWCO 6-7 Pamt Stripper Nontla-mabie, wale wash, tmest quaiitv. 55 gallon drum, 10 4 pece antique bedroom, su-tes One set dd'k ood.

$400 wOne, dd'k wihttgnte' mse's. $500. wSmger sewing machine. $100 Ddv 451-9017. Nights 459-6861.

OAK ROLL TOP Dew Enceem Wnoiesaie pnee. $600. 25 11 -560. HARVEY SN prints $60 $300 8ronze-bronc'o buster by Remrrung RUEI AHTIQUES turnl turo ond miscellaneous. Repairs, and rotlnlshlng.

1426 Toomoy at 100 S. Lamar behind Fresh Plus Orocory. 472-9304. www WAT-iTED 0d Geiman beef stems mode be'o-e world War a 33-'Q35 AiNTlsiuE WALNU" P'rc Oroon excent coriditon $600 Oak hotel w05hsiona. 5300 327-9030 BED Chesi of droweri.

vanity. nightstand. 70 years. 6Eceiient condition! BeautiM Stoail $600 892-671 I 30 'j 3 6 -Computers, EDP Equipment XT CLONE 10mh2. 640K.

8088. 8097, printer. CGA. modem. AT rase 200 watt, clock aame oort fV stick, power filter controller, AT ey board, DSDD noppy drive, printer stand, disk storage Poxes.

2 syquesr iuivtd (emuvaoie nara drives, unlimited storage space $1550 negotiable. 286-2330 BROTHER HR20 adisy-wheel printer serialparallel cdble interface. IBM compotibieMocitosh $250. Clement, 446-133 AUSTIN FIRST midnight computer fleamcwket. Fridov, 6pm- 1am, Saturday iiam-4pm.

Don't pay retail tGA monitors. $150 VGA monitor card $450. Momonitorcard. $65 Complete XT. AT systems.

512k ttoppy. monitor, keyboard Hararives. printers, curds, software, cables, much morel 1623 Fortview. Suite 6 (one block north-Ben White, Vi block east Manchdca) 444-4443 Don't miss itl FOR SALE. 12 MHZ 266 Motherboard and Western Digital controier card.

$300 negotiable, 440-0675, Leave message. HP PORTABLE laptop loaded. $400 Hayes 9600 bdud external modem, new, $300 HP150 PC. dual ttoppy, mono 64CK. soft ware.

$300 Oki 82 prTVer S75 Negotiooie UPGRADE YOUR XT JH instaP 286 mother board with meg RAM tor $195. Coney. 453-8726. PORTABLE 640K Rom. 2 floppy drives.

AST mult' function card $475 388-4206 after 5 30pm. KAVPRO software. 259-3638. computer with an $350best offer. LEADING EDGE XT Compatible 5iTMR hnrri disk dual flODDieS.

8087EGA and monitor. DOSS BASIC Wordprocessor. $700. 837-3571. after 7PMweekends.

APPLE MONOCHROMATIC 13" monitor Excellent condition. Almost new in original pox 520U aao-ojjv. Christmas Commodore 12864 Color monitor, single disk drive, Okimate 10. color punter, joy sticks. Software for word processing, spreadsheet, database.

Complete system with manuals, $500. Ask for Roe, 479-0481 or 280-0041. IBM COMPAT8LE 10M2XT. 640K (expandable to 1 6meg). floppy, 102 keys, amber monitor, much software, $9C0negtiabie Computer station, desk table choirs, gooa Quality, Centronx 8PPM loser printer, 2meg memory, 300 or 150 DPmP emulation, under $1000 Juk: 6100 daisy wheel prntei.

$200 892 5510 IBM COMPATIABlE computer, Xeiox monitor, NX 1000 printer, 20 meg-byte, hard dnve, Word StarLotus programs. 5Puu. 23-0020. 3 COM Network Se'ver expansion chassis, aH software and documentation. $1500 345-3531.

ask (or Jonn IBM COMPATIBLE XT 10mhz 640K 360K (loppy, keyboard, morpogro-ph'cs. 20 meg hod drive. (New) $74C 339-0600 WORD PROCESSOR Magnovox Videowriter 350 Superscripts, subscripts, underlining, bold face, etc $425. 458-6834 COMMODORE 64 and 1541 disc drive, dnd Magnovox RGB monitor Asking ijssu. iau 2au-icv PC LTD.

266 color montlor Printer Pnce negotiobie. Dovts, 346-5345 EGA AT Clone 10MHz. 1 Neg. 44 HLj printer software Must sei L-ke new $1 50C 462-6083 Scott Nf 366-25 Toer stern 1MB 64K Cache. 40MB HD, $2585 366-20 Tower System 1MBm 40MBHD 14 'mono.

$1985 286-12 1MB40MB. 5t2MD- a6U-UVUJ Mr-l, UISTnUTOIS. Lamar I-4U APPiE li Dsk drive. Snentype punter, game controllers, softwae, manuals S250 282-2482 APPLE lie Good condition. Large Amdek color screen, doc drive, software included $650 467-1670 MONTOR ond car Taxon combo.

$150 or best otter 258-1930 APPLE PRINTER tmagewriter I ExceHent condition. J22-V63 AMSTRAD 640K dual flOPPv. 20mea card, monitor, mouse software compatible. $695. Panasonic 1092 printer $175 261-4409 6180 Food Products PAr-tRsMtu f-ecans 1U225 research Bvd From the Pecan acuta of the Woria fwar Artioetjm 343 6478 Dtai's Pecan Orchard Honest quality large ngatea pa-persheti pecans Choctaw-Destfaoie S1 50 K) Discourits on 50bs or more On FM973.

11 miles north of 290E at Rces Crossing, Texas Open 7 daysweek. 9.00am-6 00pm, 1 352 7119 BERDOLL PECAN Farm is Openi New, lower prices' shell, cracked and sneiied Ma orders Open 7 ddys weekly. 9u0am-6 00pm Location 10 nuies East of Bergstrom AFB gnwav it "t-ji-o' TENDER GREENSTURI GREENS 50c a pound You pick 926-0703 JUMBO SHELLED PECANS Several varieties ExceHent Chnst-mos g.ft $4 00pound 863-6367 PECANS PAPER SHELL i 3Vibs whole- $1 50ibs crocked PECANS SOUTH AUSTIN Desirable $1 25lb. 5 pound minimum 892-4232 alter 5PM weekends LARGE PAFERShElL PECANS Large 81 Shetied Atso New crop 4242 South Congress EV Connor $1 6200 Fuel, Firewood OAK FIREWOOD Delivered dnd stdeked Disease free firewood in business for 14 years visa Mastercard accepted 343-8478 tocol Open Monday-Sunday SPLIT OAK FIREWOOD Seasoned. good burring $120coro $657horf free south Austin delivery Green Capet Lnterc'ises 447-45S9 SEASONED Firewood $l20coro S65-b.

Dekwered stacked MCVisa Fast Fnenaty Firewood 244-v460 GET YOUR MONEYS WORTHI $65 00 u-haui. $100 00 dehver edstacked. 12, 14, cords available 1-875-2240 or see Webb Farms. Tfavts County Farmers Markets. 6701 Burnet Road Austin SEASONED OAK WOOD S65 pickup load $125C0fd 288-272 POST OAK $99cora YOU haul or delivered and stocited $'35 lANSCO 331 8035.

GET READY FOR WINTER! Firewood, dr 8t green post oak $90cota 1-353-869Q, FIREWOOD SWtATT Wood Yard in McOade- $70 green, $80 dry. 1 253-6403, dfter 6 Xpm. SEASONED POST OAK Delivered and slacked, $65 half cord S120 full jp'd Cjak FiEOOu split, cJniivered. slacken $30co'a $7Uroif cord. Country FewOOd.

"ale; 335 0771 HONEST SPLIT OAK PRE WOOD -Free devery stacking $125 cord $70halt. $40quarter 835-0831 CRAFTSTOVE heavy duty fireplace insert with blower, heats 2u00ft area Excellent condition, $350 272 8710 OAK AND Pine 1 cord. $115 cord, $60. cord, $40 Free dek- ve-y 445-3431 GREEN SPLIT FIREWOOD ptcced up Smithvie, TX $75 a COrri 237 4674 HILL COUNTRY OAK Three year. Old SeOCOfd After 6PM or Satuf- aay-Sunday.

1-858 47Q0 FIREWOOD YOU Come cul with your saw Take Vt leave $1 fhnrd jtto 6220 Flooring, Merchandise UbFlj CttAN carpets, carpet remnants also clean 9x12 rugs Call 5444 3301 East 7ih f'AiS Refurirjr'ts-whoieyjte drttri-b'j'or cieanrig out warehouse strjinmdste) carpets FHA ft 50 oz many colors, aiso vmvi ft wood cneap nv 556V Rf wjant Light bme 8x10, $60 Bine grey $7 5j each 6xfe Anfroturl $1Q 815-6375 CARPETING THRFE. n-ge rooms with padair.g light beige Good conditionl Eorh 444 618 WANTED APPROXIMATELY 120 yards of cornet for rental propetfy Died or Or; 442-1191 9x12 WiXX Kcifust'x. Uiertai tug wiih fr-noo. $6U0best offer 6230 Furniture Office Furniture CASH V'JUH FuUMliK 4d2-288f ATTN, COLLEGE STUDENTS HOUDAY RUSH $19u PART-TIME WEEKLY Local branch tng 50 openings nex-pte scneautr-g jp-'tvo CAREMARK HGMECARE Pnrt-tirno momma driver from Bam- 1pm, S600nouf. Some weekends.

338-9600. Scott. 4030 Broker Lane. Ste. 32U.

COLLEGE STUDENTS Teller. 20-30 hours weeklv. creek casmng dusi-ness. 11643B Research 346-1543 CUSTOMER SERVCE DRIVER Ws have an Brnmediate Open-no tor a person or redeliver ne wspapers to our customers we require someone who is 16 years of age or older has ciean driving record for the last 12 years and stable work history. A company vehicle will be provided but you must have transportation available for backup purposes Schedule will include working 6 days a week in the morning with some afternoons possible.

Saiary is $5 00 per hour. Interested applicants need to btmg a copy ot ther driving recora ana pruoi ui nuiwiy once to Austin American S'atesnnan 166 Rve'tae Dr Hours 9am- 12 M-F EOE EASY WORK B'G PROMTS! phone caers at home 5'2-834-0383. extension BV EVfNING JANiTOR.AL Positions ovaiiapie in aii parts ot Austin, ray various aepenaing on job (husbandwife team can earn 5oUV-pi inixmij Miiiny quired. 2309 Manor Rd k'NOW SOMEONE in Me'Co Japan. Etc Couia be worse, $2000mo 323-5S'7 MORNING ClEAN-UP person ona ca-siner needed Apply Games Ga- laxie.

1905 Riverside Dr. PART Time afternoons snipping ana receiving id uunour Appiy person between 4pm-5pm only: 8407A North Lamar PART TiME House Manager for 50-bed residential facility. Aoility to work with women and children in crisis Hours- 4' 30pm-11 30pm Monday thru Friday Saiar $11,375 To begm januaiv 2. 1990 EFO Sena letter of interest and resume Center 'or Bat-eied Women. PO Box 19454.

Austm AosojteW no cans RECEPTIONIST 'PART time Smoii law firm seek recep'ionisl with some ttpng skiIs Please sena resume to Poisomel, pO Box 2186, Austin 7rjt6 RcLiEF HOU5EPARENT to on ee-kenas and evenings when needed. Residential tieatmerit center budo. S5 10hOdr plus rnileage Must be 23 Call Patsy. 262-77 SALESCAsh*tR, apparei shop A trernoon evening smtls avaJobte 15-20his weeir S4.G0 nour 459-976 TtoT Mom-Spm. LLE LaGRANGE GDDINGS We curientiy have openings for contracted delivery agents in each of the above towns Earn good pdy for 3 or 4 hours work each morning delivering the Austin American Statesman.

Dependable transportation is a must Fa? information cafi the Bastrop b-acn office at -2209 STUDENTS 15 irrmea3te Opegs' PART TIME 5 Mori-F'! Starxg S'O! 339 4312 Tfi rii i a nirT laciVIMKMrMiVc REPRESENTATIVE The Austin Amertcar, -Statesman iq; for aygiessive teephor.e re- piesenatives. No experience bjt must nave a svong jesire io succeea Houriy satory ptus ara Donuses. rr.js: be able tc work 5 30- M-f- a'i 9 00an-2orT. on L-aj to an OOcni-v M-F 445-3759 WriSTLAkE HUlS PresDy Pre- Scnooi lookino to cei'rfiea pie- school teacher toi Pre-Kr-aerQaften ciass. m'eres'ea car.

tidtne nay-bu-n at y7-'iV o- 5650 Work Wanted 1AA ALL i "t-c iitt'Airti CoT-entrv omr-ting. sneefOCK tch te J-h work 280-531 3r.ab0f.tirx) Decks a-nca'to cofe'S 45' 9712 25 years free Estmates experience Aus'ir AAA-1 Qual'ly worn, reasonable puces Remodeling, car-pentery. piumbirig. wrfng odd jobs Free ei'iTtaes 280-7 25 HOuEKEEPER aesires several positions wod refeiences rates Caii Reriee at 44.V66dO 'or rtz- 'OTion RONING MY HOME pe- ga'ent Vary 443-259? fiACT hau nave haul an thing Loca: T'O 5700 Positions Wanted AL'vOuMANI Desires pari time bookkeeping Everilngs Aeer ull-cnargecompuTer a' JS53-r'079 MERCHANDISE 6000 Auction Sales QjA-JTy CONTAINER Movenpe' 7pm San Marcos, i-'JMie-ie jor.n McCietian. Auc-tioifee' Tyg-Qflf nC774f se.ZFD Vehicles F'Ofi JifjOSfJp imports, Mercedes.




474-5831 SAVEI '89 WELLCRAFT, 17' 170 Classt to, 130HP. Trailer $9950 335-1160 SKI CENTURIAN Folcon 20', 1988, 351250HP. like new, olways garaged, covef included. 244-3377 17' WOE Bottom Durocroft 30np electric start, 1982 Mdrrner outboard, steering console, trailer. $1200 331-4431 1989 BASS Master Cldssic lood- ea Paper graph.

2 tlasners. 2 LCR cvmruae AKisu Covef Garage kept. Low 263-3221 hours. 288-2884, 25HP JOHNSON. $500.

9 6HP ATWATERS. $150. 1-352-7305 NEW BASS Tracker Bantam 2X two man boot, with Minn Kola 3hp troli-ffig motor still in box, perfect for Christmas $700 282-7349, 327-6000 Ext 330 5HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR $150 331-4430 18' GRUMMAN ALUMrNiJM CANOE $90. 443-1844 JOHNSON 10HP MOTOR Very nice. Low hours Must see' $365 834-9766 6060 Sailing Craft SAN1ANA 21' Boat, motor, toiler everything needed to sdi $3000 1-321-5868- FLV mtermedidte wind surf board Fully equrped.

$500 462-3231 MUST SELL Catcrtna 22. seral 13136 ('85). WiB be on troHer by month end 2 sails. 4HP Suzuki, lifelines, ladder, lights s'owaway galley, head Sleeps 4 Gredtshdpe S6900 negotiable. 892-4669, 422-3111.

CLASSIC 25FT XHEOV Teak-wood. dieset engine. $3500 Cdn- yon lake rviarino lot i-o4-jwi MISTRAL EQUiPE hull ony. $900. Mistral monofom racina sai's 2 sauare meter, 6 6 sauare meter), 1987 Mistral racmg sdi' (6 8 sauare meter) $250-5450 Windsurf BawQii rmcfoiight booms for larger sa.

$100 AE excellent condition! 15 LASER WITH WGHLANDFR TRAILER BM GOOD SHAPE! 244-1228 TtN SLALOM Sail boaras Various sizes Three course racemier mediate long boards 1989 Neii Pryde dnd Gaastra Sals pis many dccessones 244-7132 14FT DAV SOrior. witn trarier, $i50rvegottabie 280-3342 IVHSTRAL MAUI SAtBGARD G'eat Roof rack harness $600 250-5813 22' elegant cruising sailboat. Classic. $9700 256 1555. SAILBOARD FOR Sail racmg mast, 2 son bags, harnesses racks complete, wtii go fast, $600.

make offer 448-0570 SAN JUAN 24 6hp Johnson, 10 Sa-is. FuH instruments. Recent Bottom joo. Best Over $6000 Paul 448-2040H NEiL PRyDE 5 8 RAF saw New. $125.

Wind surfing MaOH booms grd exTensc.ns. StDO 929-7331 IMMACULATE' 19B2 Cataiho 25' I5hp Johnson outboard Electric stort with diternator Retractdbie keel $10 600 327-030? 6070 Boat Accessories, Storage SalES TRADt Heirr. uni's drive trensmrsston, anchors AC, neat units, exhaust manrtotds. power winches, pedestoi chairs, and much more SEATS REPAIRED uphoistefea covers, carpeted, hardwore True Fit Boat Sedis. 3700 Congress Pickle 442-2313 Decca Model 702 Loran-C need-: work $50 258-6037 6100 Building Materials b--'QiD DOOR CtOit OUT Oak ncrdooord, 6-panei Windsor, Steel Wood, utner Doors 251-4140 TRANS TEXAS FACTORY SURPiJS Wood patio door units 5 (k 6 entry ooors (paneied and teaaed) metcn doors (poneied ana giassea sohd core 8i hollow core doors, concet block (8x8x16), 40c Tnm.

cabinets. wmaows. caDiners oam nara- wcKe. lumber, lots more' 2015 LAMAR DR 244-1103 ROUND ROCK. TEXAS k.TCHENBATH CABINETS barrupicv Soie Large Quomttes 1-534-400? NEW ALL WOOD DOORS 2'0.

2 4 2'6 2'6 3 0 Fu ouver arJ r.aH touver. horf panel styles Atsc sets Great tor closets, aens, pantnes. ksuridry tooms Socnfice. S10-S20 (75 off reta). 447-6952 WOOD steel atrium doors, $300 Steel entry doors.

$85, pre-hung Windows starting ot $10 443-3831. CONCRETE TOOLS Two troweling machines, bun floats, jitterbugs, much morel Co 244-6599. 8om-6pm. At or 6cm. 398-7601 LET'S TRADE1 Except ca-oet ana caoinet tor your aeer lease lor quail hunvng after aeei season 259- 1962 BRiCKS WANTED I wl.

rvaul Inem and pav you cash 8 a piece Stuart. 441-2460 GALVANIZED ALUMINUM 20' section, $15. 16' section $10 Approximately 400 sheets like new 30 gage 892-3319 BUILDERS SHOW PLACE Kttcnen cabinets bargam prices on showroom discontinued styles Cu'tured marbiea 'ddv whirlpools, stowers. toos. second tops $50 6am-4 30pm.

Sa'uroay 9om-1pm '6240 IH35. 25 0270 MODERN EUROPtAN Grewh-e Some scraicnes Sacrifice 1 Sink wait even Cook top $700 476-5o56 ELfcCiRtCAL TOOLS matenais Liquidating confrac 'ing company Benders ladders, panel-boes. vices scafloickng, con-d-J't wire 451-4351 ALJf.lif.uM WIDOWS Screens-4x4 $25. $5 broRvn d'um'n'jm patio screen. 76x36 $0 4-2-3773 USED LUMBER 1x4 an lengths 5c oer ft 282-2548 KilCnEN CABtrjfTS.

$200 Jenn-Atr cook top. $400 5 x5' Cotomai wood wioaow. $60 Almond eect'ic cook 'op. $50 Almond double oven. $50 441 3775 6100 BUILDING Marernai Vinyl and mefol SJdrfl Wise wet and colors make offer Wood Irench doors 58UUIX) tan a 6110 Childrtn'i, Inlsnt'i CMU.iX.RAFT OAK Jermy Lirid dip mattress, i6 tobie, 565 Also bassinet swing.

aiker playpen. CE(4tuRY SWING-O-Motic baby swing $35 fisher-Pfice portable play pen $50 244 0699 PREGfJANT? AUSTIN A-ea Center offers prenatal and deivery core Personal, safe and afto'aabie 346-3224 CHI DC RAFT CR $75 STROLLER $16 WALKER $12 462-'9 4 G-WlS CuOTnir-G ond accessories, top desigrr brands newborn to wx years Prices Beverly. 282-1 120 CRIB WITH Mat'ress. Wooaen high chdH, $25. Musical carrier.

$7 Bathtub. $4. 256-0711 Baby high Chair, good condition, 25 Playpen, excellent condition, 40 Baby strotte oxceient cond-tton, $40 385 4817 CHILDREN PlAY kitt.rven rrta- set 5 pecei Good condtion" Withex-tios $150 Can 255-2652 6120 Cameras, Photo Supplies CANON AE 1 Numerous actes- lonet. Zoom lonse. flatfi, cases etc $250 Soridrg, 49-8221.

460-'X)97 NlkONOS 35mn-. uiide'wa'er c.a-nra with SB-103 NikoriOS Strobe enson tube ana cr' case. trke riew, $750bes, MiCRO'-CE Af. i Ri. STAR 1-10 BmoC'Jar.

four ond'-on. $895 excellent 41 A'jr)ij rn i nui in wth s.yight ftrtty lOC'mrr. f8 $120 24mm 8. SJU 467 9006 RCA PMABlE mtn $62? VMS VCR wn CO LitcH 1 STATE HSPECTOD ana Cashier neeaed for Texaco fun service station, Apptv: 424 S- Lamar -Experienced TELEMARKETERS NEEDED Year round work Round Rock. No experience necessary, $4rv to start CoB 255-9056, ofter 4pm TELEMARKETERS.

UP to $25 per noun Commlsstonl Start Today! 1-512-573-0725, Ext B-47 TELEMARKETERS mil and port time. 4501155 TtLiPHONl OPERATORS SALES OPPORTUNITY PTFT; AMPM for assertive soles voices, wifl train. $100400 WfEK. Apply In person at: 6601 North Lamar, C10S (between Olnny's and the Chinese restaurant) between ONLY. HIRING NO III.

TOP GUN National company expanding to-eaUy seeks tales, managers, and recruiters, 345 9109. TRAINEE Growing piumbing company needs trainee On the po tramtng good benefits and wooes Must be schoo graduate, nave ciean anvtng record, good attitude and wifmg-ness to wot. Apply at 11652 JOily-vweRd EOE VANS AUTO Ixporlneod Import Parts Specialists needed lullpart time. Ixeellent opportunity tor advancement plus competatlvo benefits pockoge. 452-9449, 4726236.

V0EO GAMES tecnncon neeaed Entry level position Apav Games GoJane 1905 Riverside Dr WANTED IMMEDIATELY Highly motlvoted sett-starter wanted to learn all tacoU ot tho tin-anc business. Bilingual preferred, dependable vehicle a must. Willing to tart at the bottom and work from the ground up. Serious Inquiries only. tanner Finance Corp 610 Iraios, Suite 110 Austin, Texas 7S701 WOLFE NURSERY Wolte Nursery rs accepting applications from enthusiastic, energe He, customer-oriented people to work In our stores mil Christmas season.

We hove part time 6 tuH time positions a laborers. Cashiers, A Salespersons, Apply In person Monday-fnday (except Thank lalvlng) at 4434 Frontier Trail, 1606 Research, and 1900 So. Sell Blvd. (Cocmi Park). No phone colls pleat.

A Division of Sunbelt Nursery Oroup. IOI MF VM 5600 Part Time Opportunities 1 Austin AVON Needs You Friends! Relatives! Mpart time order 26-1967 Worn places1 tatters. Ten. HICKORY FARMS is hiring part time seasonal saes help to work mornings, afternoons and evenings Higmana Man. Barton Dee Mai! Norfhaoss Mad ana Round Rock Town Country Mqk Apply in pe' -son Of HICKORY FARMS rGnLANO MAa Tuesday.

Novemoer 2 st t'orr 1p--6pm NCPC'JE CA.IS PlEASE' $1600 COMPENSATION Are you a healthy nonsmoking male between the ages ot 18 35, weighing 140-190; and within 10 ot your Ideal weight? It so you may quality to participate In a pharmaceutical research study and recelv up to $1600. The dates and times ot the study are listed below; you must be available to remain our facility tor the entire period to be eligible: Check In 6-10am Tues Nov 26 Thurs Oec 14 To quality you must pass our tree Jihysleal exam and screening esls. Meals, accommodation, n-tertalnment and recreational activities provided tree of cnarge. Per more Iniormorton, please call 447-1641 PHABMACO (SEARCH FOR SETTER HEALTH $400 COMPENSATION Are you a healthy nonsmoking male between tho agos of 18 ana 49; weighing 111167; and within 10 ot your (deal weight? so you may quality to participate In a pharmaceutical research study and receive up to (400. The dates and times of tho study are Hsted below.

You must be available io remain In our facility for the entire period to be eligible: Chockki earn 1. Mon Dec 4 2. Tue Oec 1. Mon Doc 11 4. Thurs Dec 12 Checkout 8 am Thurs Dec 7 Fri Doc Thurs Doc 14 Frl Dec 15 To qualify you must pass our tree physical exom.

Meals, accommodation, entertainment and recreational ocHvHIob provided tree ot charge. For more Information, please call 447 1641 PHAAMACO HHAECH EOS UTTER HEALTH $600 COMPIHIATIOH Are you a healthy nonsmoking male between the age ot 11 and 48; weighing 436 200; and within 10 ot your Ideal weight? to you may Quality to participate In pharmaeeutkol reieareh itudy and receive up to $600. The dates and timet ot the study ore Hsted below. Vou mutt be available to remain (n our facility for the entire period Io be eligible: Check In 6pm Frl Dee 1 Frl Dec 16 Checkout 7 am Sun Dec I tun Dec 17 lui you wW need to visit our facility for five brief outpatient visits after each check out period. To auoMty you must pass our tree physical exam and screening tests.

Moots, aecornmooatlon, en. torlolnment and recreational actl-vmes provided tree ot charge, tar more information, please call 447 3641 PH Aft MA CO Rf FOR SITTER HEALTH $600 COMPENSATION Are you a healthy nonsmotttng male between me ago of 11 and weighing 10 of your Weal weight? so you may qualify to participate In a pharmaceutical research study and roeeiwe up to $000. The dates and times of tho study are lUtod bolow. Vou must bo available to remom in our facility tor tho ontko period lo bo eligible: Checkln 12 noon OOam Mon Doc 4 Mon Doc 11 Mon Doc 16 Checkout 7 Wed Doc 4 Wod Dm II Mod Doe 20 To auoHfy you must past our tree phytic ol oiam and teroonlng tests. Moots, accommodation, entertainment and rocroatlonol activities provided tree of charge.

For more information, please eall 447 141 OHARMACO RESEARCH FOR SITTER HEALTH $7 500 MONTH Process pnone ofdersathom -e detcmt Peop co'i j-Aj 5'2 aJ0 622 et ABILITY REWARDED Stanley smith Security has Immediate openings tor thorp, part time people Week nights and weekends both day and night available. Tho Increasing demand tor our service has created mete icotlonl port time opportunities, report person, 4910 Surnot Rd. MorvFrt om.4pm, IOI. udri APARTMENT MANAGER Coup lye'ved Srof a fesi.jrr to hfli 3 Aust-n $nd Box AISEMIll OUR produels at hom*o, lorn up to 6wek. CaH tor amating fpcoraod message, 446 4 6.

DAiX ROOM Equipment including ViviTor 356 eniorge Suit-In Dichtoic fmers Uke new. $425. 1-778-5820 778-5-32 'aer with condensers for 35mm and 2Va negative carrier. Time-O-Life piofessionai timer Originally $550. Asking $250 474-8826 NIKONOS 35mm lens, Sunpak Marine 32 strobe slave, $500.

Pentax ME Super 50mm F2 Pentax lens, 28-80mm F3 5 Osawa 200m lens. 85-2iQmm F3 5 Ouantray zoom lens. Vivatar 3500 dedicated flash. Pentax Dig.tai Data Back. Or.g.nol boxes.

$550. 892-2630. 5pm-9om TElESCOPE WANTED 8 with ciocit dnve setting c-rdes. wedge tripoo, eyepieces prefer Ceiestron or Meade $900 maimum 357-6471. 35mm 3-D camera Stunning 3-D pictures no glasses needed.

1 year worranty $100. Call 255-4977 MAXXUM 75-300 Zoom lens $250 New oox. 452-5080 NIKON 35MM F2. 50 14 MDH, MD12, MDE, FG20. case for FE.

258-4073 HASSElElAD SCtai le ns $950-500mm lens. $900 70mm back, $275 Extension tube. $60- 692-05 CANON 100-300mm (56 series lens ExceWent quality low dispersion optics S550 261-3608 CANON AE 1 body with three lenses (50mm, 100-300 zoom, Sigma 28mm) and SpeedLite flash. $425 total. 327-4301 FANTASTIC.

PRACTICALLY new. Christmas camera. 35mm Chhon; 3 lenses, flash, case, manuals. Originally. $500 Sell.

$275. 331-4148. 343-9673 CANON FTQL with teiephoto lens, HoHburton case, close-up lens. $150 Other cameras 692-5510 PC SOFTWARE Doube DOS ma- mirror mtergrated 7. PubHshrt.

64 Muitolon super bdse. easy senpt. home accountant, etc 510- $50 892-5510. FUJI 23S for sale with all supporting equipment. 1 kls magnum pro, 1 kis umbo printer '4091 776-81 6130 China, Crystal, Flatware ROval DOutlON Eng.tsn Renaissance 12 place settings ot 5 peces plus rimmea soup Perfect conditioa $1850 Arr.erican-Statesman.

Box A281 78767 FRANC'SCAN CHINA Silver Pine pattern, twelve piace settings. 65 pieces $330best otter 452-8572 NORHAKE "PARADISE'' 6-p'6Ce plate settings with serving pieces, $500 441-6407 GORhAM STERLING Silver cream and sugar. Stiasbourg pattern. $650, or best otfe( Cai' 452-8572 WEDGE WOOD CHNA "Gold service tor 12 ous cm servng pieces Wdtertord -Lismpre" $36-S45siem 262-2369. W-i'SPERING ROSE PROCEiAiN Ch'NA 9 oiece settina.

S15 14 place settings Serving pieces WANTED TO Buy old gidSSwd'6. Im-ens (crochet, embroidery, idee, cut wo'k etc all 453-7533 6135 Clothing SILVER FOX FuR JACKET Worn twice 5350 454-5036 home 632-3202 0'K BlACk VELVETSa'm tnm cocnta.i oress M2). S6C 6iue long formal (5) 550 250-9452 beaded ooace se 10 Cathedral length -ace veil. Ongmaity $600 Want $350 258-1808 Quality maternty 10-161 La dies 1 10-12), teenager (5-9); 14) 892 infant (boy). Blue Fox Fur tuH spfai sleeves, worn 3 times Mjst sacrifice S'lOOO sei' $500 280-075'.

teove message LADiES LEATHER cca's, 1 tan a'td 1 brown Cost new $500 Selling $125 eoch 892 0786 UNIQUE' RE vERSIBlE Ranch Mm aopraisea $5000. $1000 rfsiaiural blue fox approved $4000. $1000. 343-1938 FOX JACKET $350 261-6572. leave message AUTHENTIC NAv'AjO Stiver quoise nugget concho belt.

ex nt cona'on. $700 447-2365 CAPR; COATCape C'eam wool, fox tails Worn 3 times Sew $600 ASKmg 6U WHITE WEDDINO DRESS Fairy talo-lllto, luH length, 7S, open nock line, short puflod tloovos, train, Iqco, sequins, S1000, now; OShlng 49B. 146 2914; 433-9350, GREAT FOR Christmas' Blue Fox fur lacket new Must seel S395Offer 243-1459. everv'-gseeiends LADIES EXPENSIVE CLOTHING See 1416 4 suits 2 dresses 100 327-7207 GORGEOUS LEOPARD Cod with mm trim 50 years od Remodeed 1960s Pristine conation $1500 1-639-4341 BEAiiFjl WtuiX'iG Dress Fean ana lace t-im S.ze 3-5 tvut see1 $200. 266-3269 MENS CLO'HiNG too aanty none branas.

an wea 46-48 long Shirts, extra large ana exotic leather shoes. 9Vj- 10D Severai leather lockets, suits ana soort coats $2-5150 282-2369 MWE MARTINS Ausrm Exclusive Taylor You're Choice ot (1) Sty (2) rmpor'ea or Domestc woven poiys-ter materidis (3) Suit or sponcoot and Slock Cost $400. your $175 00-Co 463-7129 Man-Ffi 6 am -4pm eave message Area WrtTE AND Corme- Norwegian fox stroner beautiful peits $950. 454-8188 JACKET Cropped mdhoaany mink racket by Mr Sidney Made ot fully letout female skins. Sue 8 Ece'enf condt-tipn $tQ00 331-5663 af'er 5pm MATERNITY ClOTHiNG Ses9-4 S3O0-S8OO 6140 Collector Items BUYING USED RECORDS 50'S-60'S 251-3924 L'ONEL TRAiNS WANTED Top Prices Paid P-ease cat: S'eve.

2'-5 e73 UONEL TRAINS WANTED Top Prces PLEASE CALl. ED 413-0907 AvIRf RAf Srfeepisun Fi.ght jacket Air tnw scec Sngnt'y d'St'essed nego'dPie 832-9618 DOll hCuSL cur-msned e'ectriciiy ond stand $450, O' rr.a'F.e ofer 250-1615 INDIVIDUAL BUYING basebOli card collections. Any quantity Send description dnd asking prices to American-Statesman Box A276 76767 LUNCH BOXES waMea to buy metoi lunciooxes. Jares -iBig nights. BUYING uS.

Japanese War Relics WUiWWit daggers, swo'ds helmets medals uni'o'ms Top sentimental vaiue paa $i0-S50Q Can 990 CASH AVF'iCAN FtYER ives Trams Wont, ea mdividua items or sets Paying up to S50C for harder to f.nd. compete sets in ofigiroi boxes CaH Don otter 7 30pm weekdays, 12noon weekends. 837 75-6 WWII Army Jacket Green waist length with ribbons stipes, arid otner misceitareous patches $25 444-3950 PRIVATE COUfcCliON Sounet Styie Zapotec tfiCKn Rugs $35-S20C 266 2.51 ivt'Rv 81 art pieces, collector 'terns krKk-knacks and other coiiec'D'es S' 262-2369 Elvis BOOKS, cards, o'Dums and Other coiiector'l items $10-S25 617-696-319(1 BUYING JF. Kennedy assassination itemi Texas welcome dinner November 22, 1963 and presidential autographs wanted 343 8 381. on, time WANT Li Old Pictur Pos' Cards befon 392 02.16 1920 AUTufvIN dr-ner ft s'eam-wjre.

service for 2 plus extras Siiveifa'e serving pieces $5-550 6150 Computers, EDP Equipment Wt uVL' CMPUlfcRS fiVTf SHOP 3816 NORTH AMIR 459. 601 MACINTOSH SUPPORT SIRVICIS Rentals Repairs Wo buy used, broken Macs. 1701 uadalupo. 17S. 4S1 7o7.

WE BUY USED COMPUTERS SOfTWARF Guaaatjpe PC! MACINTOSH SERVICE Rtl A 78-717' SOFTWARE Fx CHANG 2520 Guadalupe 4 TRS80 COLOR Computer cassette joysticks, prog'am packs, gamas. $300 With dsp'oy. $400 Call 255-5410 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Hon Corr Kuter incudes diSK drive monitor ok up. printer, and softwore. $275 444-8462 APPLE He LOADED 2.25 2 drives, monitor, mouse, speedup boofd, numeric keypdd.

lots of business softwore, an mdnuals. $950. 251-2624 apPlE lie Dual disk, monochrome monitor, Epson printer, modem Busi-nesseducttonat software Joystick, instructional manuals, $650. Col. Evenings, 1-620-7542.

APPLE with ext disk orive. many penpnerais, ptus software Excellent for school $750 482-0694 MACINTOSH IMG RAM, 400K internal, $425. 1 400K external, $65. Qkiddta printer. $75 462-323r 6300 266K Dual floppies, printer and modem.

$650 negotiooie 892-3079. 261-4456 MONITOR ana interface card. 1BM-AT 20 meg, mono, $950 negotiable 244-7500 LASER PftiNTER Hewlett Packard Laser jet Pius emulation IBM, Macintosh New pox. warranty $1,250. 837-3766 Tl PROFESSIONAL Computet 10 meg hard drive, 256K Ram, Tl 855 printer Lotus 123, WordStar and a DOS included, Suu.

2BU-ua BALCONES CPM computerword processor iu meg nara arive, great for home or smon business, 5200. Also Daisy Wheel prater. $100. Cash or trade Wdyne 258-288 HAVE COMPUTER (duoi disk drive monitorsoftware) wm trade for or $300. 282-66B2.

evenmgs weekends. APPLE WIDE carriage imagewnter with driver and cdbies Ideal tor ledger printing $350. John 476-5500, 451-3337, anytime MACINTOSH 512K wexternai drive, kevboord. mouse, Apple Imagewnter I. software $900.

451-7129 evenings week ends MACINTOSH 512K with external drive Corr4ete. S650 Apple parts, software 892-123. HARD DRIVE controller, RLL, for XT. $45 EGA monl'or. $225 360k floppy.

$40. 836-0051 after 6 00pm. APPLE 2 Disk drives, punter and language card, monitor, $300. Commodore C64 with disk drive. $150.

Commodore C64 with tape drive, $100. 286-2427 NEW COMMODORE 128 with dLSk drive printer datasette. modem spreod sheet, word processor, and 30 other progoms and games 56uuoesT oner i-waa2 SEGA MASTER system 3D grosses, light 2opper, Mtsne Defense ana Doube Dragon games, $150 990-5022 APPuE II Plus. 64K. two 5V dsk drives, monitor, Epson printer, tons of software, color TV adaptor, $500.

266-6228 offer 5pm COMMODORE 64, 1541 disk drive, game controller, color TV aaapto', tons of software, $300 288-6228 ofter 5pm. LETTER Quality printer Panosomc. Nme months old Le new $200 Mike. 255-0620 WANTED TWO used or broken Macintosh computers ond equipment. Can for arte, up to $1000 461-9631 MACINTOSH SE wi'h haa disc.

etra memory, keyboard, softwore Moke offer. Imagewrier primer. $375. 255-7800. APPLE COLOR Plotter for Macintosh.

Cable, piot-it program, extra pens. Oi ginoily $1 100 $200offer 443-0608 COMAL BLACK CARTRIDGE Magazines. Tutorials Gutae Books S50. 345-5767 FOR SALE WordPerfect 4 2 program. Cow 451-0718, Otter 5pm IBM PC 640k, tOrnb rxya dsc.

monochrome monitor, 2 floppies, 8087 $825oest offer 836-6590 MACINTOSH SE 1 year old. CPU only, $2000 or wtth hard drive 477-1982 leave message PANASONIC KX-P1091 PRINTER $100 454-63 Evenmgs Weekends IBM PC XT system286 EGA 20mb ha-o drive 512K Ram 3 21 DOS. mouse soft wee 800negotia-ce 1-663-4022 apple ue KEYBOARD SCREEN FLOPPY LSK. $500 258-6373 HILL COUNTRY COMPUTERS XT, 2S6 ISO systems. Free set-up delivery.

MCVlsa accepted. Open evenlngiweekends. Call for Crlstmas Specials lr Free Price Lilt. 26S 8990. COMPAQ PORTABLE, 640k auat floppies, 6-pocK board clock, two porauei ports, ex cedent.

$575 343-01 J3 ATARi 1040 ST Co-or second drive Epson FX-80. software $650 467-C65 BUSINESS SOFTWARE dBase 4 $200 (m mtnt condition; PFS Pro Write $60. CaH 336-0591 ext. 354 TANDON XT Compatoie 640K RAM disk, floppy drive. CGA modem ana more.

$725 8 Jinl 477-6529 COlvVvtODORE 64 computer $100. Commodore 1702 color monitor $150 Commodore 1541 disk drive $40 Panasonic KX-P1091 printer $100. compete $375. 454131 evenings weekends apc MONiTOR Rado SnacsL color computer 81 disk drive. Si 50 452-6036 128K MACINTOSH 8 IMAGE WRJER II PRINTER.

$500 Rick. 322-9303 after 5pm. APPLE Hi plus peripherals $3007 trade Tandy 100. $100. 288-2881 6300, IBM XT compatible 640K, 2 drives, extrd high resolution onsg'apmcs, sow jjs-osvb 2400 BAuD Hayes comoattcne internal modems, fun 5 veor warranty $99.

or $80 with Hoyes Compotcle 1200 Boud roae-n 512-863-0786 MACIN'OSH COMPUTERS 512K S575 512KE $725 Mac Plus upgrade, $950; imagewnter II $375 461-9631. 459-3866 EPSON PRINTER. FX-165. woe carriage, one owner plus paper and box Excellent condition. $150 451-1026 XT COMPUTER 1 160K floppy, JOmog.

hard drive, 040K mono monitor and keyboard. (695. Irlc S32-93M, 47 0433. KAVpRO 2X Juki letter auct pnnter. Wordstar, other softwore.

on manuals Excellent woa processor, customized for speed, ease ot use $395 GiT''s 10spd bike, free with Computer. 447-6451. NEW 12 MHz IBM xT Compdtible 512K. 360K floppy. Monographic monitoradapter, keybcord.

$450 COMPAQ PLUS Portable Ten meg HD, weir maintained Eceitent condit'ont $725 446 0215 ZENITH DESK Top Computet 8068, 512K Rom, two drives, excan-dome, omber monitor. $495. 255 4977 XT TURBO 56 MB HD. 640K, ttoppy. monc graphics Princeton Momtor, dock, serial pQ'ra'lel DOSE $V5 TAlDV 1000EX Computer with 684k with monitor, iriternol moaori' and two external ift drives $1000 or pest o'fer 2C8-6622 APPLE He 81 -to Compatible Built-in Lxsk, 128 K.

13' CoiC" Monitor. Prmter Over $500 of software. Joy-stck $700 1-398-6576 XT COMPATiB hard OM. floppy, xeyboaa monitor 62-3866 640K $5'j0 HP I LASER PRINTER S9W 282-3004 eOZ-356 Dan MeMOIiY 256K 80ns. S3 50 each Audio visual ft comDu'ei repays ACI? Compufers 4922 Buinet.

462-6852. 12MHZ 1 meg, AT turbo, monlfor. drive keyboard. Warronlv S6V ACT Corrcufeil, 4v22 Durnef fi2-6fi62 LAPTOPS TOSHIBA T1000'S. $649 76BK upgrade oooid $29Q in crafts c'oce ot free soffwo-e NCS 41-7844 COMMODORE C64 1541 disc dr've.

NEC color an.tof, ana primer $325 272 8233. alter 6LX)pm 10MH7 640K. XT turbo, morvtoi. dnve, keyboard Warranty. ACR Corrputefl, 4922 Burnet, 452-6852 PANASONC TVPING STATON, CKjdei Ddisey wT'sei printf.

mom-tor, duoi sloppy drives cornpieie se ot manuan $850 or best offer Cat-Ron. 329-6610, ext COMMOuORf 64 1541 a mono color rT-onitO' VC 20 modem eai script wad processing soft wye Ofiaa'a V0 ii-v $500oest otto Nancy 441-6N4 322 6115 GREAT CHRISTMAS yifl Ai HH wtti monoc'itome Some softwa'O and gotnes ISM 1 1 22 Vi50iJNTD0WN '89 7 I 1U 14 1-78-5820, 776-5131.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.